Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

Ross begins to roll out Neo

Will this super intelligent computer that can write stories and poetry steal my job…...

The year is 2045. The world is in a state of economic collapse due to the rise of automation, leaving millions of people unemployed and desperate.
Words of Hope with Pastor John Steward

Pastor John Steward – Words of Hope: George Floyd and Racism

While obeying stay at home orders, Pastor John Steward of Mount of Olives Church in Mission Viejo, California addresses some of the recent events...

An Unholy Invasion – Chatbots Are Colonizing Our Minds

Chatbots are at the front lines of an unrelenting AI invasion. Our cultural landscape is being colonized by bots, and our population welcomes this as “progress.”

Google Fires Engineer Who Warned That Company’s AI Bot Is ‘Sentient’ and Hired Attorney

Google has confirmed that it has fired the engineer who claimed the firm’s LaMDA artificial intelligence had become sentient.
Artificial Intelligence is Probing the Universe

Dystopian Artificial Intelligence Is Not Near, It Is Already Here

AI online chatting program, ChatGPT shocked the world as its so “smart” that it delivers frighteningly human-like responses and seems to have few flaws.
What is The Bible Project

What is The Bible Project

"We are committed to helping the whole world see the Bible as one unified story that leads to Jesus." The Bible Project is a non-profit...
The Liberty Bell: Proclaim liberty throughout all the land

The Liberty Bell: Proclaim liberty throughout all the land

The Liberty Bell, originally the State House Bell, was commissioned in 1751 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Pennsylvania’s original constitution. Encircling the top of...
Billy Graham TV Specials

Billy Graham TV Specials | Always Good News

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association brings us Billy Graham TV Specials that cover all kinds of topics and share the good news of God's...

Great — now ‘liberal’ ChatGPT is censoring the The Post’s Hunter Biden coverage, too

ChatGPT refused to write a story about Hunter Biden in the style of the New York Post — but gladly spit out a CNN-like puff piece protective of president’s son.
Lucan Binniyat

Epoch Times Reporter Jailed in Nigeria

Religious freedom advocates in Washington are protesting the Nov. 4 jailing of Epoch Times reporter Luka Binniyat, who has been at the forefront of reporting...
Focus On The Family Broadcast

Video Playlist: Focus on the Family Broadcast and Parenting Tips

This playlist includes the best of the Focus On The Family Broadcast including Pastor Max Lucado, Dr. H. Norman Wright, Dr. Greg and Erin...

The microchip implants that let you pay with your hand

Patrick Paumen causes a stir whenever he pays for something in a shop or restaurant. This is because the 37-year-old doesn’t need to use a...