Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

The American Family

The Alarming Fertility Decline Among American Catholic Women

The birth rate in America is now lower than at any time in over 100 years. Both national and worldwide declines are expected to continue.

Transhumanists Want To Digitize Your Baby’s Brain

A lot of people can’t believe that well-connected technocrats dream of turning every human on earth into a hyperproductive biomachine.
Spiritual Tech is the Future of False Religion

Spiritual Tech is the Future of False Religion

A review of “Spirit Tech: The Brave New World of Consciousness Hacking and Enlightenment Engineering” Progress comes at you fast. First there was TV, then...
Technocrats Want Us to Pray to Machines

Technocrats Want Us to Pray to Machines

If God is dead, praying to machines is permitted—perhaps even necessary. And if God is not dead? Well, you can pray to machines, anyway....
The Chapel

The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.

Attrition rates and leadership failures are only one part of the story. A recently leaked letter from Russell Moore describes profound institutional rot, overt racism, and the...

Learning in War-Time

A University is a society for the pursuit of learning. As students, you will be expected to make yourselves, or to start making yourselves,...

Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic and a Democrat, Period.

Part 1 Above: Father James Altman calls out the hypocrisies of Church hierarchy and their destructive leftist politicization of the Catholic Church that has...

Coalition of Christians Call for Global Prayer for Prisoners of Conscience Persecuted by CCP

An informal coalition of prominent lay Christians from six continents have launched a global campaign calling on the faithful to pray for the persecuted...


In this anniversary year we are celebrating the 70th National Day of Prayer observance, seven decades of American Presidents, by law, calling for prayer...

Chinese authorities slap Catholic with hefty fine for providing chapel for ‘illegal’ mass

Authorities with the Chinese Communist Party are now punishing those who provide worship venues for believers as religious persecution continues to escalate in the...
Church Membership Among U.S. Adults Now Below 50%

U.S. Organized Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time

"The U.S. remains a religious nation, with more than seven in 10 affiliating with some type of organized religion. However, far fewer, now less...

Religious Freedom In The World Report 2021

MAIN FINDINGS Religious freedom is violated in almost one third of the world’s countries (31.6 percent), where two thirds of the world’s population lives. 62 countries...