Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

Elon Musk

Inside the Mind of Musk

Elon Musk is among the weirdest humanoids to ascend to the oligarchy. He believes that artificial intelligence is among the greatest threats to humankind,...
BE HEARD Project

BE HEARD Project

The Be Heard Project is a voice for the persecuted Church. Through law, public policy, and grassroots action, we amplify your voice to demand...

PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism

In An Introduction To Transhumanism we investigate three dominant areas of transhumanism: super longevity, super intelligence and super wellbeing, and briefly cover the ideas...

Billy Graham preached the Gospel | The Message Lives On

Billy Graham preached the Gospel with clarity and authority for more than 70 years. But sharing the Gospel was not without its challenges. and...

American Pastor Describes Underground Churches in China

This is a 3 minute video of an American pastor who met Christians in China and he shares about the underground churches in China.

What does Trump’s executive order on religious freedom mean for churches?

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on the GOP’s health care bill and President Trump’s executive order aimed at increasing religious freedom.

Awaken: 48 Hours for Religious Freedom

Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is the face of Christian persecution around the world. September 22-23, 2012 people of faith across the globe will join...

Alive To Thrive: Combating Suicide in Our Youth

The third leading cause of death for today's youth is suicide. Alive To Thrive from Focus On The Family wants to help combat suicide as an only solution for our youth.
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen: Big Tech Racing Towards Superhuman Artificial Intelligence

Transhumanism Editor Joe Allen talks about the rapid development of artificial intelligence, especially as represented by the Open AI chatbot called ChatGPT.
Giyang Zi

Fearless Lawyer Fights for Christians in Nigerian Courts

JOS, Nigeria—For embattled Christians in Nigeria’s Plateau State, the best hope for many is a civil rights attorney with a knack for cheating death. Barrister Gyang...
Into Thy Hands Movie

Into Thy Hands

“He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a...

Paul, Apostle of Christ (2018)

Paul, Apostle of Christ is the story of two men. Luke, as a friend and physician, risks his life every time he ventures into...