Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

Christians Fleeing Persecution in China Arrive in Texas for Easter

More than 60 fleeing Christians arrived safely in the United States after escaping severe religious persecution in communist China, according to a U.S. lawmaker.

The Dilemma Of The Cross

We must never lose sight of the Cross, and Jesus, the One who carried it to the place of His death, to then overcome its sentence on Himself and humanity.

Bill Gates Opposes Pausing AI Development, Reveals Different Plan

Gates issued remarks to proposal endorsed by Musk and AI experts who demanded urgent pause to development of AI due to “profound risks to society and humanity.”
ChatGPT and COVID-19

ChatGPT Programmed to Lie About Fauci and Vaccines

OpenAI's artificial-intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, has been programmed to lie about Dr. Anthony Fauci and the COVID-19 vaccines and here's the conversation.

‘If We Go Ahead on This Everyone Will Die,’ Warns AI Expert Calling for...

Human beings are not ready for a powerful AI under present conditions or in the “foreseeable future,” stated foremost expert in the field, Eliezer Yudkowsky.
Transhumanism May End Equality

Will Transhumanism End Equality?

Transhumanism changes people into superhumans by merging biology and advanced technology which could upend world’s personal, familial, and cultural foundations.
“Root Out Discrimination” From Artificial Intelligence

How the Federal Government Wants to “Root Out Discrimination” From Artificial Intelligence Systems

Biden's executive order instructs federal agencies to “root out bias” in A.I. technologies in a manner that promotes equity and is consistent with applicable law.
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen: Summoning Demons Through AI

Joe Allen: Transhumanist Eliezer Yudkowsky Warns of AI “Demon-Summoning is Easy” Feb 24, 2023 ~ Transhumanism editor Joe Allen talks to “War Room” host Steve...
Patrick Wood on War Room

Patrick Wood: The Rise Of Technocracy

Patrick Wood says technocracy and transhumanism are primary to WEF’s Great Reset, with the UN, to replace Capitalism with Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.
Mental Jigsaw – How AI Carves Out Space In Your Brain

Mental Jigsaw – How AI Carves Out Space In Your Brain

Our minds project the world around us. That doesn’t mean it’s not there With the explosion of AI chatbots and their bizarre statements, media attention...

Asbury University revival moving to new sites to accommodate people arriving from around the...

Asbury University, site of continual worship and prayer on campus drawing thousands of people to experience what God is doing, will move services off-campus.

Great — now ‘liberal’ ChatGPT is censoring the The Post’s Hunter Biden coverage, too

ChatGPT refused to write a story about Hunter Biden in the style of the New York Post — but gladly spit out a CNN-like puff piece protective of president’s son.