Faith & Folly

Faith and Folly on shares articles, videos, news and more about the Christian faith, what we believe and why we believe it, as well as articles on the folly of man as his own God.

Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

2022 Saw Actualization Of Transhumanists’ Fantasy Worlds, Singularity Coming Faster Than Expected

Transhumanism Editor Joe Allen talks to host Steve Bannon about the advances in technology in 2022, and how far ahead of expectations we are, giving us examples.

Former Pope Benedict Dies Aged 95 in Vatican Monastery

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died at age of 95 in secluded monastery at the Vatican where he had lived since stepping down nearly a decade ago due to poor health.
You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14a

Sunday Thoughts: RWR 2022 Christmas Message – You Are The Light

Luke 2: 8-14 “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the...
Hardwired Brain z1b

Hardwired for Control – The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

People talk about brain implants as if they’re an imagined future biohorror, but they are more widespread than you think, and they’ll only be more prevalent.
Manager Scene with Crown of Thornes and Bible

Mistakes, Misconceptions and Misuse of the Christmas Story That Misrepresent the Magnitude of its...

Jesus Christ is the reality who was born of a virgin—becoming human so He could die for us providing eternal salvation for those who trust Him by faith.

Demon Spawn – Artificial Wombs in Ancient India

Last week, the German bio-propagandist Hashem Al-Ghaili shocked the world with his concept video EctoLife: The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility.
Ross begins to roll out Neo

Will this super intelligent computer that can write stories and poetry steal my job…...

The year is 2045. The world is in a state of economic collapse due to the rise of automation, leaving millions of people unemployed and desperate.

World’s first ‘artificial womb facility’ is creepy glimpse of pregnancy in the future

EctoLife artificial womb facility could grow 30,000 babies a year based on scientific research. It will let you choose your baby’s characteristics from a menu.

LIBBY EMMONS: Neuralink Seeks to Transform Human Beings Into Simply Another Data Port in...

Neuralink offers miracle cures for paralysis, but ushers in new era of human-to-machine interface that has primarily been the dark fantasy of dystopian fiction.
It Is 100 Seconds To Midnight

Con Them With Kindness – “Longtermism” and “Effective Altruism” are the New Faces of...

Futurists don’t just predict coming events, they shape them to bring about change in a certain direction, whether by bold promises or doomsday prophecies.
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen: The Globalists’ Great Reset Plan Came Into Full Focus At B20 Summit

Transhumanism Editor Joe Allen talks about Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and his participation at the recent G-20 summit in Indonesia.
Joe Allen on Bannon's War Room

Joe Allen: The Globalists’ Great Reset Plan Came Into Full Focus At G20 Summit

Transhumanism Editor Joe Allen talks about Klaus Schwab’s participation at recent G-20 summit in Indonesia and his discussion of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.