Federal Government at the Heart of ‘Vaccine Passport’ Development

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American Thinker

The Biden administration — arguably the most extremist executive regime in terms of its threat to civil liberties in recent history — is currently engaged in a coordinated effort to develop and introduce “vaccine passports” to the American public:

[The Biden administration is] currently working with a range of companies on the standards, including non-profits and tech companies[.] … Multiple government agencies are engaged in conversations and planning, coordinated by the White House, as this kind of system will play a role in multiple aspects of life.

Specifically, the federal Department of Health and Human Services has been at the helm of the coordination of the “vaccine passport” program:

The administration’s initiative has been driven largely by arms of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity.

Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports.  In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:

The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its “China-centric” response to the pandemic.

This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course.

By Ben Bartee

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