Fibrous Clots, Foreign Matter in Blood After COVID Jabs: Is There a Way to Detox?

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Recently unusual blood clots as well as metal-like foreign objects found in the vessels of COVID-19 jab recipients have been reported across the country. Both types of substances are unusual and are likely to be harmful to our bodies. What are the potential causes and ramifications of these substances, and is there any chance of reversing the mysterious condition?

The Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDocs) for COVID-19 previously found certain foreign materials and moving parasite-like entities in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as those vaccines were warmed to near room temperature.

Subsequently, on March 11 2022, three Korean doctors, Young Mi Lee, Sunyoung Park, and Ki-Yeob Jeon, published findings of similar foreign materials in samples of blood from COVID-19 jab recipients in a paper titled “Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines” in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

Unusual materials were found in eight COVID-19 vaccine recipients: six plasma samples contained a multilayered disc of unidentified composition; three samples contained beaded coil-like materials; one plasma sample contained a fibrous bundle of similar appearing beaded foreign material; and a different group of three samples had crystal-like formations of foreign material.

The various shapes and sizes of the foreign materials in centrifuged plasmas of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals closely resembled the shapes and sizes of foreign materials previously observed directly in the vaccines themselves.

The evidence suggests that the foreign materials found in the COVID-19 vaccine recipients in this study were injected into their bodies when they received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Three Italian physicians, all of whom are surgeons—Franco Giovannini, M.D., Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, M.D., and Giampaolo Pisano, M.D.—examined the blood of 1006 symptomatic subjects who had been injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna) starting from March 2021.

The Italian doctors have repeated the Korean study in a much larger sample and with a more advanced technique, i.e. dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood on a slide, allowing a first and immediate assessment of the health status of a person’s blood, better representing their  overall health status.

One month after the mRNA inoculation, a total of 948 subjects (94 percent of the total studied population) showed blood with aggregation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin.

This foreign material seemed to collect itself into structures, sometimes forming crystals and other times forming long tubes or fibers.

The foreign structures in the patients’ blood, which had not been there before vaccination, certainly look unusual in the photos included in the study.


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