Fight For Schools PAC

Contact Your Elected Officials

The Loudoun County Public School Board and members of the administration are controlled by special interests who have injected identity politics into education as early as Kindergarten. Rather than work with parents to answer questions and concerns, members of the school board and administration take to social media to attack parents, intimidate teachers who question the politicization of education, and spend millions in tax dollars to implement critical race theory in our schools.

Fight for Schools is a non-partisan organization that will work to recall the six school board members who were members of a private Facebook group that targeted parents and members of the community who exercised their First Amendment rights to question Loudoun County Public Schools for (1) not fully reopening schools, and (2) implementing divisive and discriminatory critical race theory concepts in education. Those school board members are:  Beth Barts, Brenda Sheridan, Ian Serotkin, Denise Corbo, Leslee King, and Atoosa Reaser. 

Fight for Schools will also support or oppose new candidates for the school board based on three simple concepts. 

First, the candidate must be committed to a transparent and honest school board and administration that operates with decorum and decency and provides forthright answers in response to questions from the community. 

Second, the candidate must support depoliticized teacher trainings and curriculum that do not emphasize “what to think,” but rather provides the tools necessary for students to become independent-minded and critical-thinking adults.

Third, every candidate must truly believe the following: “Racism is a perceptive error, and what you actually have to do is you have to get into spaces where you’re meeting people and perceiving them as human beings and not as racial stereotypes and myths.” – Thomas Chatterton Williams

Therefore, candidates must only support policies that advance the goal of building tolerant, young adults that do not discriminate because of immutable characteristics, but rather judge every individual solely by the content of their character.

We Can’t Wait

Over the past year, Loudoun County Public Schools has become a national story for its implementation of critical race theory. This divisive experiment has resulted in attempts to silence dissent, divided the community, and created a culture of bullying in students, teachers, school administrators, and school board members. 

With school board elections not held until 2023, it is imperative for parents to act now, recall these school board members, and hold new elections that will decide the future of education for our children.

Here are just some of the most recent examples of the incompetence and abuse of power demonstrated by Loudoun County Public Schools:

Loudoun County Public Schools Pays Nearly $500,000 to Implement Critical Race Theory

The Loudoun County, Virginia, Public School district has spent $422,500 in taxpayer funds since 2018 on diversity training inspired by critical race theory, which claims racism is inherent in nearly every aspect of America. 

Washington Free Beacon

Loudoun County Public Schools Excluded Parents of Asian and Caucasian Students from Focus Groups

LCPS paid the firm $422,000 for its work convening focus groups that included LCPS staff, the Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee, “mostly, but not exclusively students of color,” and only parents of black or Hispanic students. 

The Federalist

Loudoun County Public Schools Proposed a Dress Code Prohibiting “Offensive” Clothing

LCPS proposed a student dress code policy, which says: “Clothing or other accessories or objects free from language, slogans, symbols, icons or images that are highly offensive or threatening to others and impede or distract from the Board’s mission of instilling values necessary or appropriate for polite civil discourse or political expression in a school context, social tolerance, nondiscrimination, self-awareness and sensitivity to the feeling of others even if such does not result in a reasonable fear of immediate disruption.”

What is “offensive” to others is an unclear and subjective standard that could include absolutely anything based on a complainer’s subjective opinion.

The Federalist

Virginia School Board Weighs Speech Code that Would Prohibit Criticism of Equity Plan

Employees of the school district would not be allowed to criticize the school district’s “commitment to action-oriented equity practices” in all forms of public and personal communication.

Washington Free Beacon

School board members reportedly targeting parents opposed to critical race theory

A private Facebook group made up of Virginia parents, teachers and school board members is reportedly targeting parents opposed to critical race theory — sparking an investigation by local law enforcement.

The group, which is called “anti-racist parents of Loudoun County,” consists of over 600 members, some of whom are accused of sharing personal information of parents who don’t support the controversial theory, WTOP News reported.

NY Post

Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them

A group of current and former teachers and others in Loudoun County, Virginia, compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial concepts — with a stated purpose in part to “infiltrate,” use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications, and “expose these people publicly.”

Daily Wire

Former Leesburg Student Uses Old Video to Get High School Friend’s Scholarship Revoked

The controversial [NYT] piece, headlined, “A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning,” detailed how a White high school student “withdrew from her chosen college after a three-second video caused an uproar online,” adding that the classmate who shared it “publicly has no regrets.”

Times reporter Dan Levin followed Jimmy Galligan, who publicly posted a video of Mimi Groves using a racial slur when she was a freshman in high school. Years after Groves uttered the N-word on Snapchat, Galligan shared the video at the height of nationwide protests stemming from George Floyd’s death in police custody.

The consequences were swift. Over the next two days, Ms. Groves was removed from the university’s cheer team. She then withdrew from the school under pressure from admissions officials, who told her they had received hundreds of emails and phone calls from outraged alumni, students and the public.

Fox News

Loudoun County Crazy: Diversity Council Says ‘We Can And We Will Silence The Opposition’

Loudoun County Public Schools diversity council in Virginia threatened to “silence” any parents who voice opposition to the affluent school district’s inclusion of critical race theory in its curriculum.

In a series of now-deleted social media posts, The Loudoun County Public Schools Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (LCPSMSAAC) threatened that they “can and will silence the opposition” of their mission dedicated to “advancing equity through action.” The posts, which encouraged people to avoid “sow[ing] seeds of untruths, hate, and distrust,” were reshared by at least one school board member. 


Virginia high school teacher seen in video berating student for not acknowledging race during lecture

Video footage posted online shows a Virginia high school teacher appearing to berate a student for not acknowledging the race of two girls seen in a presentation slide.

The video, taken from a lecture at a Loudoun County Public School in Ashburn and posted on YouTube, shows a slide with two girls – one, a redheaded white girl, the other, a Black girl – standing back-to-back with the caption, “What is race?”

The teacher asks students what they see in the picture. An unidentified student says he sees “just two people chillin’.”

Fox News

Advisory Board Calls On Virginia School District To Dismiss Teachers Who Criticize The District’s Equity Training

An advisory board linked to Virginia’s Loudoun County Public School district (LCPS) demanded that teachers be dismissed if they criticize the district’s equity training inspired by critical race theory. 

Kiara Jennings, who leads LCPS’ Minority Student Achievement Advisory Council (MSAAC), emailed the district’s Superintendent, School Board Chair, Equity Committee, and the NAACP asking that teachers not be allowed to speak out against diversity training, even in private feedback surveys. 

Daily Wire

‘Blatantly Lying Or They Do Not Understand Critical Race Theory’: Parents Group Releases Evidence Of Indoctrination In Virginia County Schools

One of the slides provided by LPE, allegedly shown to second graders, wants students to answer the question, “How can you be an anti-racist leader?” A suggested answer provided says, “I can be an anti-racist leader by always being an upstander and doing the right thing. I can always fight for what is fair.”

Images that LPE claims were shown in high school lessons introduce the concepts of “white fragility,” “white privilege,” and one slide in particular cites CRT explicitly in discussing white supremacy.

Daily Caller

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