Five Outrageous Items In The ‘COVID Stimulus’ Bill

Contact Your Elected Officials
As Americans wait for their $600 stimulus check, the rich get richer and the U.S. government ignores the needs of the people.

The U.S. Congress has approved the largest spending bill ever, disguised as a “COVID-19 Stimulus Bill”. The “Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021” has been promoted by politicians and mainstream media as a government effort to provide the people with relief from the ravages of COVID-19 and government enforced lockdowns. Unfortunately, the people have once again been shafted.

Even mainstream propaganda outlet The Washington Post noted the presence of tax breaks for lobbyists:

“These measures, added onto the broader spending bill, are known as “tax extenders” — tax breaks targeted at specific, sometimes niche industries. And routinely extending these “temporary” measures has become something of a year-end tradition, despite loud complaints from some lawmakers who allege the votes largely benefit special-interest groups who stand to gain financially from the outcome.”

While the bill does allocate billions for the “fight against COVID-19,” the bulk of the funds ($22.4 billion) are going towards “expenses for testing, tracing, surveillance”, including “molecular, antigen and serological tests, the manufacturing, procurement & distribution of tests.” Of course, these funds for testing make no mention of the many problems associated with the PCR test that is commonly used.

However, the vast majority of the “stimulus bill” goes to items unrelated to fighting COVID-19. This includes expanding of 5G networks as part of the “Beat China by Harnessing Important, National Airwaves for 5G Act of 2020’’ aka the ‘‘Beat CHINA for 5G Act of 2020’’. There is also a provision allocating “not less than $15 million” for “democracy programs” and no less than $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.

It’s clear that the passing of the bill by the U.S. Congress is another spit in the face of Americans who are increasingly unemployedfacing food shortages and depending on food banks at rates not seen in generations. Although Donald Trump has threatened to veto the bill – calling for up to $2,000 for every American – the reality is that many of his agendas stand to benefit from his signing of the bill.

Here are 5 more ways the “stimulus bill” is screwing over the American people and serving the will of the corporate state:

1. Billions to Foreign Nations

2. Combatting Vaccine “Misinformation”

3. Making Online Streaming a Felony

4. Billions to the War Machine

5. Billions to Gates-Founded GAVI


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