GOP Senators Announce Resolution to Support Israel’s Right to Defend Itself Amid Attacks From Hamas

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The Epoch Times

A group of 19 Republican senators unveiled a resolution on May 17 to reaffirm the United States’ support for Israel and its right to defend itself against terrorist attacks, amid ongoing rocket attacks from Hamas that show few signs of abating.

The resolution (pdf), led by Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), also condemns the current attacks against Israel by Hamas, an Iran-backed and -funded terrorist organization that seized political power in Gaza in 2007.

In the resolution, set to be introduced in Congress this week, the U.S. Senate “opposes the escalating and indiscriminate rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel” and “mourns the loss of innocent life caused by Hamas’s rocket attacks.” The chamber also “urges continued and steadfast support for Israel” and “reaffirms its strong support for Israel’s right to peace and security.”

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Scott said in a statement that the people of Israel have for decades endured “unyielding attacks from terrorist groups” such as Hamas and that the United States must be “stronger than ever” in its resolve to stand with Israel after Hamas and other groups fired more than 3,000 rockets at the country.

“I want to be clear: no country, certainly not the United States, would tolerate attacks like these and not take whatever action is necessary to end them,” he said. “As our great ally and the only shining example of democracy in the Middle East, Israel deserves our full support.”

Scott also criticized anti-Israel attacks from a few U.S. lawmakers, calling such attacks “disgusting and antithetical to American ideals.”

“Let’s remember what we are witnessing: these are terrorists ruthlessly attacking an ally. Defense of these terrorists is unthinkable. Acts of aggression toward Israel will never be tolerated. … It’s time for President Biden to stop cowering to the anti-Israel radical left and remind these terrorists and the world of the United States’ strong and unwavering support of the Israeli people,” he added.


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