Great Replacement Theory Exposed at CPAC Hungary!

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Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a young (27) Dutch lawyer and conservative commentator who recently gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Hungary. There she exposed life in Europe today where the “Great Replacement Theory” seems to be taking place and what it means to Europe.

The “Great Replacement Theory” dates back to the late 19th century when in 1892 British-Australian author and politician Charles Pearson argued that Jews and some Western elites were conspiring to replace white Americans and Europeans with non-European people of descent, particularly Asians and Africans.

Progressive liberals painted the theory as pure racist conservative paranoia and bigotry. Of course, as per usual, they are wrong.

Conservative commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek outlined how things are going in Europe which is a little bit ahead of America in their open bordered unfettered invasion framed as immigration. Her “X” post of her 12 minute speech has garnered 50 million views in just 5 days!

She opened her speech with an overview of new crime statics of the week prior to her speech. She outlined:

  • Stockholm – 3 elderly women were stabbed in broad daylight on the street
  • London – 4 people were stabbed within a timespan of just 42 hours
  • Paris – 100’s of African migrants took to the streets to riot
  • Brigolo (France) – another church was burned down

Vlaardingerbroek states that both the public and the governments know there is a link between mass migration and crime.

She cites the new reality of Europe where mass migration has taken place as crimes of rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, and even beheadings. She states, “This did not happen before. This is a newly imported problem.”

At one point Vlaardingerbroek read a passage from American scholar Samuel Phillips Huntington (April 18, 1927 – December 24, 2008) who was a political scientist, adviser, and academic. Phillips is famous for an interrogative he wrote titled “The Clash of Civilizations?” She read:

“In the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive, important and dangerous conflicts will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities. Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilizations.”

She concludes, “Well, boy was he right!” 

Vlaardingerbroek goes on to outline a conspiracy to replace white Christians of Europe and backs up her theory with statistics.

“Amsterdam currently consists of 56% migrants; The Hague, 58% migrants; Rotterdam, almost 60% migrants. And of course most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-Western, African and Middle Eastern Countries. Conclusion, the Dutch population is already outnumbered in the majority of our cities.

Now let’s look onward.

London, 54% migrants. Again, conclusion, native population outnumbered.

Brussels, color me shocked, 70% migrants. Conclusion, native population majorly outnumbered.”

She then says, “So I am going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The Great Replacement Theory is no longer a theory, its reality. And what’s interesting about replacement is that the establishment will either deny its existence or, when they admit to it, they say that it’s a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent.”

She goes on to claim that talking heads hidden meaning for “diversity” simply means “less white people”.

She connects the recent acceptance of white hate with neo-Marxist critical race theory. What the West terms “elites” these days Vlaardingerbroek terms “bureaucrats”. But their mission is the same, to destroy the civilizations and heritages of white Christian societies.

She holds “Their vision of the future is the neo-liberal, unrecognizable Europe where every city becomes kind of like Brussels. Ugly, dirty, unsafe, zero social cohesion, where the buildings are constantly under construction and they never ever seem to finish, and even when they do the end result is uglier somehow than what they started with.”

She ties up her position with a nice little bow stating, “And what are we left with? A permanent state of isolation, confusion, and disorientation. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the New World Order!”

Vlaardingerbroek seems to hold that the solution is to put things back the way they were and reject the notion that nationalism and sovereignty that causes wars but rather expansionism under the guise of immigration does.

She calls out the hypocrisy of those who want to spend billions of dollars on Ukraine for them to protect their sovereignty with Russia while selling out the sovereignty of their own nations to the globalists of the New World Order.

Vlaardingerbroek concludes, “The totalitarian institute of the European Union needs to come down. Let me be clear, I don’t believe in reforms. When the foundation of your institution is rotten, and that is the case in Brussels, you can rebuild the house on top of it all you want but it’s still going to crumble. So the only answer is the Tower of Babel needs to be destroyed.”


There are three possible scenarios I foresee how this is going to end:

  • The leadership and judicial systems of the nations will preserve the sovereignty of their nations and deport the illegal immigrants keeping a civil society of laws.
  • The native citizenry of the nations will rise up and revolt taking back their sovereignty of their nation by force eliminating both the illegal immigrants and the leaders who allowed them by uncivil vigilante methods.
  • Individual nations will give up their sovereignty such that mass chaos soon becomes the “New World Order” whereby it is every man or tribe for him/themselves.

A quote came my way recently. I have been unable to track its origin but it left me chilled. I fear it will soon come to pass.

“The day is coming soon to where good men are going have to do bad things to very bad people.”

The one question I ponder; Is the United Nations (UN) spearheading this? If so, it is an easy fix since the United States largely funds the UN!

Elon Musk made a thoughtful observation on Vlaardingerbroek’s speech.

“The problem with ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is that it fails to address the foundational issue of low birth rates.”

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