Heritage Foundation Experts Respond to Ill-Advised Biden Executive Orders

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WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden has pledged to sign more than a dozen executive orders in the first hours of his presidency. Some of these orders will have devastating impacts on American families and businesses, while others will undermine America’s national security and sovereignty.

“I am disappointed in the unprecedented scope and nature of today’s upcoming executive actions,” said Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James in a statement. “The American people want a president who puts their interests first and works with lawmakers in both parties on solutions. With these initial actions, the Biden administration has already signaled that it will take unilateral steps that usurp Congress’ power with divisive policies that will leave Americans less secure and limit their economic opportunities.

The Heritage Foundation has released the following rundown as a comprehensive source of analysis for these ill-advised orders. Heritage analysts listed below are available for interviews this week. To arrange an interview, email heritagepress@heritage.org.

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Heritage Foundation Experts Respond to Ill-Advised Biden Executive Orders


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