Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris are Dumb and Dumber

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Candidates for President Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Kamala Harris in 2024 share some things in common. One is a high amount of staff turnover with scuttlebutt of these two women engaging in cruelty, anger, and cursing their staffs out. The other is the two share incredible stupidity.

They say if you can pick out just one deception or example of extreme hypocrisy, odds are there are many more that will follow. Even after two assassination attempts this year, both of these women have likened former President Donald J. Trump to German dictator Adolph Hitler.

As if to take it up a notch, the two women just likened a campaign rally of former President Donald Trump at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan to a 1939 Neo-Nazi American rally.

“Hillary Clinton compares Trump’s upcoming rally to 1939 Nazi era” – Sky News Australia

Their comments offer three truths:

  • Ignorance of history.
  • An insult to people of Jewish nationality and/or faith.
  • Nazi is a Tagline Better Applied to Clinton and Harris themselves.

“Kamala Harris Slams Donald Trump Over Alleged Praise of Adolf Hitler” – Bloomberg Television


Adolf Hitler was a socialist Democrat much like Kamala Harris. The term Nazi actually was a term for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”. Socialists believe in making the populace dependent on the government for purposes of control. We have seen that greatly magnified in the last 4 years of the Biden-Harris administration and their orchestrated illegal invasion of immigrants given taxpayer dollars without the knowledge and approval of Congress. This makes 20 million “newcomers” dependent on the government for their sustenance.

Were the Nazis Socialists? We look into the burning (at least for some) question of whether members of the National German Socialist Workers’ Party were accurately classified as ‘socialists’.” – Snopes

Even after the war, when Germany was split up, East Germany was officially known as the German Democratic Republic, from its formation on 7 October 1949 until its reunification with West Germany on 3 October 1990.

Insult to Jewish People

President Donald Trump did more for Israel and the Jewish people than any other president before or Joe Biden after him. The peace President Trump brokered by way of his Jewish son-in-law marks one of his greatest accomplishments.

“U.S. Policy on the Abraham Accords, Explained” – U.S. Department of State

As noted above, President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is married to his daughter Ivanka, is Jewish as are their 3 children. His daughter converted for her husband.

Some of President Trump’s closest friends and advisors are American Jews and President Trump has had a warm relationship with Israel Prime Minister  Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.

Nazi is a Tagline Better Applied to Clinton and Harris

To be a Nazi is to be fascist tyrant (as the youth say today, “A Control Freak”). Let’s take a look at some examples of the Biden-Harris administration showing signs of Nazism.

  • Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate (Shot down in court.)
  • Assault Weapons Ban Legal Movement (Being shot down in court now.)
  • Pay off college loans (Shot down in court.)
  • Engaging in Lawfare Against President Trump and Conservatives by possessing control of courts by activist judges willing to neglect the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and laws of the land for political advantage (Cases are being overturned and Trump is turning the tables on his false prosecutors.)
  • Biden Accuses Elon Musk Of Having Been ‘An Illegal Worker‘” – Forbes Breaking News
  • Both Clinton and Harris want to abridge our First Amendment Right of free speech because of Elon Musk’s ownership of “X” formerly Twitter. Funny, they had no issues when it was Twitter.
  • The Nazi style propaganda they engage in with the mainstream media they possess is a page from the Nazi’s as well. When you label “the truth” as “misinformation” you are guilty of:

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda attributed to Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

Nazi socialist Democrats are for and about control. They are sociopaths and the best way to hurt and destroy a sociopath is to take them out of control. That is what needs to happen November 5, 2024!


There is a funny similarity between Adolf Hitler and Kamala Harris that most people do not know but will send a shiver down their spine when they learn it here.

Adolf Hitler was actually part Jewish himself so to be true to his belief he wanted to punish the Jewish people for denying Jesus Christ as the Messiah, he should have been the first to go to his own gas chambers leading by example. By doing so we could have saved 6 million innocent Jewish people.

Study Suggests Adolf Hitler Had Jewish and African Ancestors” – History

Similarly, Kamala Harris has claimed and pretended to be black on multiple public occasions even though her birth certificate says her race is “Caucasian”. Everybody will agree she is a woman of color but not African-American color.

Opinion: Black people didn’t trust Kamala Harris, and they were wise not to” – Courier Journal

The back story here is Kamala Harris is said to have been a bad prosecutor incarcerating some 1,500 black men for marijuana possession in California as a prosecutor which was a disproportionate number to white men with the same charge.

Finally, we always here Kamala Harris regurgitating the same line “Trump is a threat to our democracy!”

I got two issues with this.

First, we are not a “Democracy”. We are a “Constitutional Republic”.

And second would be this:

How Hitler Used Democracy to Take Power” – Time Magazine

Clinton and Harris are dumb and dumber and I sometimes have to wonder if their staffs just set them up before sending them out on a speaker’s tour. They could just as well put a “KICK ME” sign on their backs.

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