Hoax Exposed! Climate Change is Caused by Magnetic Pole Shifts

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Here is another story being neglected by our mainstream media. Have you ever heard of the Earth’s magnetic pole shift/drift? Probably not.

Scientists have been observing and monitoring it for quite some time. The process of the movement of the magnetic poles shifting has been accelerating more in the past few decades and this is a real concern to scientists. The Earth’s magnetic field began weakening in the mid-1800s. Scientists observed we lost 10% in the last 160 years but we lost another 5% in just the last decade. Some scientists believe the Earth has lost 30% of its magnetic strength in the last 3,000 years. Our magnetic field allows life to go on starting with a healthy climate.

Contrary to the made up “man-made climate change” bogus science people like John Kerry, Al Gore, and AOC like to propagate, this scientific calamity is the real deal. Here are some examples:

“Something Weird Is Happening In Earth’s Magnetic Field & NASA is Worried”- Voyager

So the above points all are highlights of proof the Earth’s magnetic field is shifting at an accelerated rate that could become life threatening. The situation could improve but scientists do not see that happening. They are very concerned about the recent accelerated rate of their movement.

Because people have been lied to so much by our world leaders, and fed so much untrue propaganda, it is likely people could read this article and disregard it as more of the same. The problem is everything of this article is true. By now, almost everyone has most probably experienced one or more of the phenomena noted in this article.    

“Magnetic Pole Shift – Extinction Event” – Suspicious Observers

So the problem for the scientists trying to warn the world population about this magnetic field shift these days is a two-fold problem of; “The Chicken Little Syndrome” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” fable. Both fictional characters Chicken Little, who thrived on drama, and the Boy Who Cried Wolf who sounded so many false alarms nobody believed him, are now where we are at today with this news story.  

“Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False | Facts Matter” – Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Because no human beings have ever lived through an Earth’s polar flip before, nobody is sure what to expect or what it will mean. Scientists are speculating things could get really bad as in life threatening bad by 2040 based on the current unexpected rapidly increasing shift of the magnetic north and south poles.


As I understand this very sophisticated science, when the Earth’s magnetic fields are strong and stationary, life is good. When they start to move around and weaken, life gets bad… and it can get very bad in a hurry. Here are some other factoids I wanted to know because of my curiosity:

Key points about the North Magnetic Pole’s movement:

  • Direction: Eastward (Canada and towards Siberia) from Western Hemisphere to Eastern
  • Speed: Approximately 34 miles (55 kilometers) per year
  • Reason: Polar drift is caused by the movement of molten iron in Earth’s outer core

Key points about the South Magnetic Pole’s movement:

  • Direction: Northwest from Eastern Hemisphere to Western
  • Speed: Approximately 9 miles (15 kilometers) per year
  • Reason: Polar drift is caused by the movement of molten iron in Earth’s outer core

There is a young Austrian girl named Survival Lilly who is a YouTube content provider. She gained fame appearing as a contestant on season 15 of the television show “Naked and Afraid”. She has been said to be “the fittest and most accomplished survivalist woman on the internet”. I am a fan of Lilly as she seems to have her fingers on the pulse of what is really happening in this world, particularly Europe. She recently did a great job of explaining the importance of paying attention to this magnetic pole shift story in layman terms.

“A BIG Calamity is coming!” – Survival Lilly

What I have learned on this topic the last 3 to 4 years I have found both shocking and disgusting. It is shocking this is not in the mainstream news with directions on how we are to prepare. It is disgusting our world leaders have seemingly been doing a bait and switch related to climate change. They want us to believe it is all our faults when, in truth, it is God’s green Earth being His Earth!

This is serious stuff! The Earth’s magnetic field creates a magnetic shield, known as the magnetosphere, which redirects radioactive particles away from Earth and traps some of them in the Van Allen belts. Some scientists are now saying these Van Allen radiation belts have occasionally already been touching Earth in different places around the globe!

Our world may not end in 2040 but things are going to happen and I am not just talking about little things like seeing the Northern Lights from lower latitudes! Scientists are already predicting increased electronics failures, communications failures, and more instances of skin cancer.

Come November 5, 2024 it is time for another kind of “poll shift”, one from blue to red because most of the people pushing “man-made climate change” have been Democrats and they have been lying to us while lining their pockets with money from the taxpayer funded Green New Deal!

And just so we are clear, do you know which country profits the most when we all buy into this hoax of man-made climate change?


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