Holding Government Righteous (Amended)



Audit Draft Report
An Accounting Audit of the Financial and Integral Operations
Of Often Corrupt Governmental Institutions and a Reckoning
Of the Practices and the Principles They Continually Violate


Since initially writing and posting “Holding Government Righteous” about a year ago, I have ruminated on and actually included various suggestions for improving government operations in succeeding articles, howbeit in bits and pieces, in specific points of matter, or in entire sections. Without simply revisiting these ideas or reciting their recommendations (in all cases), further changes will be introduced in reference to their original section(s) as amended.

  • More on ‘restitution of American property out of foreign hands’ [Holding Government Righteous original item #7]

To the promised extent that soil and property are confiscated (anything greater than 10%), whenever possible, it shall be restored into Native tribal hands, once processed. If there are no native tribes regionally close by to inhabit, protect, and maintain it, only then should the Federal Government hold said-property in trust for all natives throughout the country.

  • More on ‘the deliberate disintegration of the moral fiber in society or scientific observation in general by government’ [Holding Government Righteous original item #8]

Equality in administrative or judicial hearing may seem to be just a matter of fair (equitable) treatment; whereas, equality in most legal minds invokes only indifference at best: meaning, a worthwhile, but only slightly-noble intent, not to favor one group over another. “The best way to be fair to all”, so to act, “is to be ambivalent to each”. But the special needs of the handicapped are not served by neutrality and lame indifference. Time lost by the veteran is not won back by passivity. Those minorities who have always received second-rate social benefits should have first benediction at the economic forum and healthcare table.

If by the philosophical mentality of across-the-boards disinterest we think we do justly by all, then we have failed the elderly, the children, and others without legal representation. Their natural weakness and less-apt propensity to speak their pain bids justice to cry out in proactive concern. “To each according to his needs”, if applied sternly and with socialist egalitarianism as its goal, can be likewise materialistic and shortsighted. Observed herein, it should be ‘justice’ with the intent of meeting equitable standards … commensurate with kind feelings set in generous fulfillment toward making subjects ‘whole’.

The Office of Attorney General, the Justice Department, any Judge, or any other federal agency official, with anti-natural, anti-normal, or anti-American leanings shall recuse themselves rather than be used to mastermind, underwrite, or otherwise incite a trial against an opposing political party (or any member thereof), to be deviously or insidiously wrought in a fashion and a potent atmosphere, or presumed in jurisdictional dominance by the controlling party. This guideline is to prevent the biased actions taken in blasphemy of the January 6th protest, which was immediately labelled as an insurrection despite FBI involvement and numerous liberal-activist incursions throughout the country in various capitals, uncensored rioting, heinous burning, maiming, and killing over the course of many months — never called out by political or legal representatives, nor referred for an equivalent degree of punishment. Duplicitous enforcement of the law is more than just dishonest, it’s an evil exercise of heartless injustice.

  • More on ‘the proper operations of Election Boards’ [Deep State item #2]
  • Every election must be subject to oversight, and its setup and results submitted for federal-state-judicial-popular (people) consecutive consent;
  • All ballots mailed out or polled-in-place must be tamper-proof and cross-checked;
  • The elector staff must be properly trained not to mishandle/mutilate/mislabel or otherwise irregularly collate ballots — the professional and personal punishment for which shall be concurrent and instantaneous; moreover, with the election results and filing held in abeyance until corrections are compliantly/immediately effected;
  • The technical aspects of all computer/tabulation equipment must be satisfactorily and contemporaneously tested at each batch entry to assure freedom from any error or interference.

Eventually, the system shall move toward a hierarchy of truly representative elections. Let the tens vote for their captain; these (ten) captains to vote for their leader of ten; these next tens for theirs, and so on up the political chain all the way to Chief Executive, who must then submit himself to final charter. Alpha and omega, let this organization pattern itself in similitude to the universe: with the people (Providence) at its base and its apex. In the meantime, let not unrepentant violators of the law go free. Those in default and later forgiven should be allowed to start over again, offering himself like the prodigal son to his father (system patron).

  • More on ‘office discrimination, proclivities, and other propensities for mal-operation’ [Modern Slavery item #3]

Every government organization (e.g., board, agency, department), including Election Boards, Human Rights Commissions, Civil Justice complaints offices, etc. must not be predominantly controlled and operated by any identifiable group (race, sex, ethnic roots, political beliefs, etc.) greater than 50% of all human personnel or for any one group that is more than twice as great as any other single identifiable group. Mislabeling of such groups for numerical benefit shall be considered a firing offense. For those sub-organizations or composite investigation/research or review committees, so identified because they regularly investigate in-house or externally-related matters, predisposed to find suspected violators or noted transgressors of a particular identifiable group (for example, only men to be charged and convicted for sexual harassment), must contain a supreme overviewing committee having at least a 10% membership of that suspected (guilty) party (e.g., men) to give context and sensibility to any conviction; also vetting abilities and unanimity appeal. Whenever numbers permit, this 10% proportion shall be expanded to at least one-third (33%) of any organization’s supervisory and appeal board.

To counteract the tendencies of such government departments (agencies) to employ and install in their home offices, or their branches, 90-95% female, or black, or white, or some combination thereof in blatant favoritism of standards and hiring laws, which is prima facie discrimination against other groups and gender, a department-wide audit of each facility must be conducted, resulting in the decertification of any facility which does not bring its relative numbers into proportional compliance within one year: firing, replacing, shifting personnel as necessary, until a respective level of population representation is achieved utilizing universal (national) statistical standards of appropriate share, and not the local (regional) standards which for decades may have been skewed and then entrenched in concentration of pernicious racial or sexual bias. As was once turned against former (white male) commercial and federal vendors, if any property manager or real estate provider does not welcome these (compensating) new-hires in homestead, an immediate suspension shall be placed on their licenses and operations until a proper investigation and clearance of prejudice can be officially determined.

All federal and state court proceedings must project these same ethical dimensions, both demographically and politically (Democrat-Republican), when creating and selecting a suitable jury/grand jury pool. As prescribed in their procedures, that, too, must be by universal (national) standards of apportioned representational allowance (not locally-ingrained historic bias).

  • More on ‘court changes’ [Governing Thought & Political Acts: a portion of D12 is reproduced here for clearer recollection]

[The second is retribution for what failings the Executive and Legislative branches have extruded from “justice” itself. Congress has bailed on its duty to the American public. If an obvious corruption has been noted in the Executive enforcement area, by not following the letter of the law or intentionally deviating from its true intentions, then Congress’s own majority rule should defer from impeachment proceedings and other actions to make appeal to the Supreme Court in satisfaction of immediate justice. Then, as sought by those persons in a civil lawsuit, they should seek relief by court order to prevent further imminent harm. A stay issued by the Supreme Court would put a hold on this deleterious breach of duty until both branches can present their cases and evidence of defilement before the Court. Any officer of the Court, including the Attorney General and the head of the FBI, must stand in judgement for disobedience to the rigors of the law (added: federal security justifications notwithstanding). If the President, Homeland Security, the Treasury, the IRS, etc. can currently assume for itself a disregard for its own officially-dictated procedures as summarized in their coded regulations (e.g. Tax Code); if they can override duly passed Congressional laws or decide for themselves which laws should be followed and enforced and which not (e.g., DOMA, Immigration, double standard of criminality); if the Executive Branch can just create new laws out of the blue, in defiance of Congressional approval (e.g., executive orders); then the Judicial Branch should take it under its wing to make sure every appealing facet of the Justice System is operating serendipitously in moderation and fulfillment of those legal proceedings. That means overseeing the actions of every lawyer, attorney, judge, and bailiff brought into the vicinity and affinity of any official courtroom. That means every attorney general, director, and enforcement officer should not act in defiance of the law by failing to recognize basic civil rights and that other related extensions of Human Decency are being accessed without prejudice or ruthlessness. District Attorneys should not have the right to refuse prosecution of the guilty or charged, or to let repeat offenders just walk out of a refrained court decision to commit more crimes. Every judge, every officer of the court, every law enforcement agent, in office or in the field, must be able, of their own mental accord, to distinguish between … also proving themselves in knowing action thereof … what is right and what is wrong, between what is sacred and profane (being disgraced therefor); moreover, putting aside the formalities of human-ordered conditioning, be able to distinguish between what is clean and unclean (in frowardness of natural law). Both Democrats and Republicans are politically bound, and are too corrupt, too tethered to their rich donors, to ever be trusted with doing what is fair and honorable. It would be a crime of legal vanity for judges to say, “Sorry, we must wait for the case to come before us”, in bowing out of justice claims; thereupon to excuse judicial action for the entire duration of World War II, “We don’t really have a full count of how many Jews have been gassed or slaughtered yet that we may bring trial and make pronouncement in totality against the Nazi killers”.] (End of transcription)

Any member of the Executive Branch or the Legislative Branch, including the President, may be referred for impeachment by summons of the Supreme Court, in diversion of recognized Personnel or Congressional procedures. A separate House and Senate vote must be invoked with a one-third (33%) approval (that being a ‘choice to refer’) rather than undergo in each chamber a lengthy, controversial, or divisive consensus on impeachment guilt. Should the body of the Supreme Court in two-thirds (66%) majority concur with the appropriateness of the impeachment proceedings and discipline, then the Attorney General must carry out the removal steps. If the Attorney General fails to respond to the court order, then pursuant to the Attorney General’s instantaneous dismissal, the next highest official must ensure the order is carried out; and so on down the line, until, if necessary, the military shall be forced to become the executioner of the Supreme Court’s order.

  • Addendum Elements

For any large corporation which is being investigated for corporate malfeasance or suspected of gross mismanagement and/or less-than-diligent company control, the accounting principle known as ‘the separate entity’ concept shall not be in force as regarding their administrative officers (i.e., theoretical non-owners). If the investigation findings depict some measure of corporate-handling guilt, then these officers’ status as (hired) managers (only) shall not withstand judgement, in leaning preference toward proxy representatives of the stockholders (owners). The lack of stock ownership shall not give them proprietary exemption from owner culpability. ‘Ownership’ is a matter as much of control (management) as it is ongoing concern and legal entitlement to the profits. Due punishment would therefore be forthcoming, especially if customers have been hurt or seriously endangered by the company’s product or services, whether that be by negligence, dereliction of duty, or systemic malpractice. Should these officers, along with the corporation, be sued personally, an abstraction of no more than 10% of legal costs can be partaken from corporate funds to cover their individual legal fees. Correspondingly, those responsible officers shall be forced to pay no more than 10% of the penalty extended over the corporation (in assumption of government/outside group claims against the corporation). But if the officers, pleading hardship, do partake of more than 10%, their corresponding penalty charges upon losing shall be equally high, up to 90%. All corporations, if found guilty, must pay at least 10% of any penalty or court levy, if only as accessories to criminal fault and operational waste.

There must be an overturning of the policy allowing the turning over of (past-related) named structures, statues, celebrated memorials, and the like. There must be an end to the awarding/assigning of any place-marker by human personal names, either publicly-funded or civilly-constructed government project. Indeed, any name already posted (attached), or is in the process of being sanctioned, should be removed … that America shows itself as being not one of pagan origin or which countenances idolatry. Only those memorialized creations inside enclosed facilities or attached outwardly to fixed monumental structures (e.g., Lincoln Memorial) shall remain in permanent honorarium and utility of the model’s adorned achievements (established as such).

Numerous epidemic (preparation) rules should be already “in the works” beforehand in mandatory prerequisite of what must be instituted cooperatively with the public or by injunction. Insofar as any one major segment of the population is projected to remain relatively safe from serious illness, critical infection, or other healthcare complications, no order of massive lockdown shall be deemed necessary — allowing a course of natural contraction and recovery, and a prospective development of anti-bodies to take rise over time. Exceptions shall apply to the more frail and vulnerable members of our society (e.g., the elderly), upon whose isolated contagion might bring fatal results.

Audit References

Comptroller of the United States. (2019 peer review). Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards. Government Accounting Office (GAO) publication.

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


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