House Votes Against Progressing Mayorkas Impeachment Effort

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The House of Representatives has voted against progressing a resolution to impeach Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Nov. 13, pulling the brakes on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) effort to challenge the official overseeing the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis.

A Democrat motion sought to send the resolution back to the Homeland Security Committee, which is conducting its own investigation into Mr. Mayokas. Eight Republicans joined Democrats to pass the motion in a 209-201 vote.

After the vote, Ms. Greene had a message to the Republicans who voted with Democrats to shelve her resolution. “They’re gonna have to face their voters. The American people are fed up,” she told reporters.

“My articles of Impeachment on Mayorkas have been sitting for months in the Judiciary Committee, and many of the same Republicans that voted with Democrats to refer back to committees sit on the Judiciary Committee,” the Georgia lawmaker said.

“So they stood with the Democrats to protect Secretary Mayorkas and prevent his impeachment by putting it back in the Judiciary Committee where they can put articles of impeachment up on the shelf to collect more dust.”

Ms. Greene introduced the legislation on Nov. 9, requiring that the Republican-controlled House consider the legislation within two legislative days.

“Just yesterday, two of my constituents from Dalton in Whitfield County, Georgia, were killed in a high-speed head-on collision at the hands of human traffickers smuggling illegal aliens into our country,” stated Ms. Greene in a press release concerning the impeachment push.

Greene’s Accusations

The privileged resolution, which demanded immediate action, alleged that Mr. Mayorkas had allowed “willful admittance of border crossers” and asserted that he is obligated to safeguard the United States against what she termed an “invasion.”

Ms. Greene further alleged that Mr. Mayorkas had contravened the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which mandates border perfection. According to the law, a border can only be deemed operationally secure when there is no unauthorized entry of individuals or contraband into the county.

“Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, in his inability to enforce the law, has engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties as a civil officer of the United States,” Ms. Greene’s resolution stated.

By Savannah Hulsey Pointer and Joseph Lord

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