The truth is the United Kingdom and Canada are vulnerable links in the Western world. After the second world war with the declaration of Indian independence in 1947 the UK lost an empire. Even though the United Kingdom retains some overseas possessions such as the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Bermuda and a number of other small islands who recognize British authority even if they have a degree of self determination.
The UK hasn’t only lost territory since the collapse of its empire. It also lost the favorable trade terms it enjoyed world wide. Especially as many British former colonies including Australia, Canada and New Zealand with their new found independence were not obligated to prioritize British goods or retain the UK favorable trade relations.
The UK economic position as a result has declined since the end of world war two. It has been supplanted as the dominant economic force on planet Earth for now by the United States of America. This is a sad story the UK is only too aware of and I am not here to glorify the British empire. It was a project that especially after world war two in trying to hold India alone would have bankrupted our nation. It also logistically in a world were the concept of self determination and nationalistic pride had awakened in Africa and Asia wasn’t sustainable. Morally forcing our will on peoples without their consent was very wrong.
Understanding this the UK tried to forge a relationship in a post imperial age. Tried to seek a future of economic prosperity in the European Union. In the hope its exclusive trading club would allow Britain to find prosperity in exporting to a free market in which it could recruit talent wherever it saw fit throughout the continent. This relationship didn’t work mainly because Europe rather than a trade block grew into something more like a non-elected government which aimed to control through trade treaty domestic and foreign policy of individual nations. Specifically forcing an open border policy on member nations which wasn’t appropriate for most nations who are part of Europe.
The loss of trade revenue isn’t the UK’s only problem. The UK military has also shrunk the toll of two world wars and the existence of its nuclear arsenal. Has led to a two fold effect: the desire to reduce the size of its army, navy and Air Force to focus on domestic spending in the UK. To raise living standards which to a degree has succeeded. The existence of the British nuclear Trident system aboard submarines has led to a belief that conventional military isn’t required to defend the UK.
In a modern world the UK reduced trade and the military has left her vulnerable. This has prompted Russian and Chinese espionage against our nation. Seeing the change in economic and military power as a weakness which invites foreign inference. Some American like Elon Musk also smell in this potential the UK weakness in Western civilization which need to corrected by American political intervention.
The Canadians find themselves in a similar position. The American president Donald J Trump often jokes about Canada being a potential 51st state. That her weak economic and military position means she should be made subvert to America who in Donald J Trump’s mind believe front the cost of protecting Canada and through an unfair trading relationship subsidize her existence. This coupled with low economic growth suffered by Canada like in the UK. Trump suggests that Canadian statehood rather than nationhood would solve such a difficulty.
I want to propose a grander solution, one which has already been suggested in the form of Canzuk by forward thinking intellectuals, economists and politicians. I am a little less ambitious in making the argument for a Canadian and British union. I do this because of a shared history, shared ancestry and the fact we share a monarch. Also the fact that combining the UK and Canada economy would revitalize both nations and their military ends any worry about us being a weak link in the free world.
This union would not be total integration of both nations, instead being akin to a European Union arrangement in which both nations ran independent domestic policy. However, we shared a foreign policy. There was no need else if both nations desired it to have a shared currency or any other shared features. This idea deserves to be at least asked of the Canadian and British people.
As Canada was founded by loyalists who rejected joining the United States of America after it gained independence in 1776. In my mind this solution is the most natural fit for Canadians and would see for both the UK and Canada a brighter future. Even accounting for French speaking Quebec it still has more in common with the UK parliamentary democracy and semi European culture than the USA. While tackling the US foreign policy concern which fosters a desire to gain Canada as a new American state.
The UK has closer links to Canada and has a possibility to grow the UK economy and increase her strength on the world stage. While strengthening Canada. Also tackling all American concern about Canada security risks and creating a new administration which would create a new US trading agreement fairer to both sides. It’s a win, win, win for all involved.