How This Pandemic Exposes The Truth About Gun Control

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Right now American is in the early stages of a pandemic. Tensions are rising, people are running for the store stocking up on food and supplies because our government has essentially told us that the only person responsible for your safety is you. Does that sound familiar? It should because that’s what every two way advocate has been saying for years. The government didn’t say, “hey we’re going to the door and hand out three months worth of food, masks and hand sanitizers, no, they said, hey citizen, don’t panic but we’re dealing with a pandemic that we’re not quite sure we can deal with if it gets to a certain level, so you might want to stock up on some stuff, so you don’t starve to death, and we also suggest that you stay in your house. This all happened in a matter of a week. Now the Department of Health and Human Services is telling its own employees that they should have at least three months worth of food on hand in the event of an uncontrolled pandemic. 3 months?

How many families have enough food stocked up for three months? Better yet, how many families have enough money to pay for three months worth of food in a matter of a week?

The vast majority of American families don’t have food stocked up for three weeks, much less three months. I turn into a different person when I don’t eat every 3 hours. Now, imagine the savagery of people who haven’t eaten in days because their food is run out and there’s no one to restock the stores because their under quarantine, or because it’s too dangerous to do because people are attacking the food trucks. And what happens if the power goes out? What happens if the garbage stops being collected and the police are overwhelmed and understaffed, because the cops are people also, and are worried about taking care of their families.

That’s when the wolves come out and start preying on the weak and the last thing you want to be is someone who doesn’t have the means to protect yourself, because you’ve been trained to believe that only the government can protect you. I’m not saying every person who can legally own a gun needs to go out and buy a gun so they can shoot the virus away. What I’m saying is you are your first line of defense and because of this, every person who can legally own a gun, should have a gun. Because this pandemic is showing us how fast things can go south. And if or when it hits the fan, even your own government will be telling you that the only person responsible for your safety is you.

Politicians who say gun control can make us safe have fed you a false sense of security. It’s impossible for the government to guarantee the safety and well-being of over 300 million people, especially when there’s a temporary break down in society. Americans are supposed to be a group of self-reliance citizens who come together to do what’s best for our nation, and we can’t do what’s best for our nation if the individuals in our nation don’t have what they need to be self-reliant.

The Second amendment is about empowering the people of our nation the way our Founding Fathers intended. We are a strong nation because we are individually strong, and when we come together, we are even stronger. I know we’ll make it through this, because that’s what we’ve done, and that’s what we’ll continue and always will do. Just don’t be so quick to throw away the very essence that makes this country great our spirit of self-reliance.

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