IAP Analysis: Facebook, Twitter Donations 12-1 Favor Dems Over GOP

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WASHINGTON – The Internet Accountability Project (IAP) today released original analysis that found Facebook and Twitter (employees and PACs) combined contributed more than 12 times more money to Democrats (more than $5.5 million) than Republicans (less than $435,000) in 2020. Mike Davis, founder and president of IAP, released the following statement.

“As Twitter and Facebook became more brazen in their politically biased censorship, Americans turned to Parler. By November 2020, Parler had the most downloaded app on Apple’s U.S. App Store and on Google’s U.S. Play Store, becoming more popular than TikTok, Zoom, and YouTube. On January 8, 2021, the day after Facebook and Twitter banned President Trump from their platforms, Parler had 20 million users and was again the top-downloaded app and the obvious choice for President Trump and his 90 million followers. Parler’s rising popularity made Parler a viable threat to Facebook and Twitter’s dominance over social media. So together, they colluded with Amazon to destroy Parler and used the horrific attacks on the Capitol on January 6, 2021 as a shameful excuse. Why are Congressional Democrats on the House Oversight Committee investigating Parler? Just follow the money.” 

As just one example, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez received a combined $36,346 in 2020 compared to less than $1,950 for all Republicans on the House Oversight Committee combined. Twitter employees did not give a single dollar to Republicans on the Oversight Committee. 

Internet Accountability Project (IAP) is a nonprofit conservative advocacy group that holds Big Tech accountable for engaging in egregious business practices like snooping, spying, political bias against conservatives, employee abuses and anticompetitive conduct. Davis previously served as Chief Counsel for Nominations to Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary and led the Senate confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and a record number of circuit court judges. More information on Davis and IAP can be found here.


2020 Contributions By Facebook & Twitter PDF

The Internet Accountability Project (IAP) released original research and analysis that found Facebook and Twitter (employees and PACs) combined contributed more than 12 times more money to Democrats (more than $5.5 million) than Republicans (less than $435,000) in 2020.


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