Illinois is about the only blue state in the middle of the nation Democrats can count on but that may change in the next election cycle as, once again, the Democrats are doing themselves in. The Democrats have made both Illinois and Chicago a sanctuary state/city and the voting residents do not like it or want it.
This Democrat designated status has created a conflict with new President Trump appointees such as ICE Director Tom Horman, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristie Noem, and Department of Justice Attorney General Pam Bondi. Pritzker has promised to run interference in Trump’s efforts to deport every illegal alien.
Both Trump and Pritzker are billionaires of the hospitality industry (Trump and Hyatt) but after that, all similarities end.
Pritzker, who has presidential political ambitions, is the exact kind of target Donald Trump relishes as can be seen in a number of mean tweets and rally speeches:
Donald Trump on J.B. Pritzker:
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) March 16, 2024
“He’s too busy eating. He wants to eat all the time”
“Would you like a Hamburger, how many do you want?”
“Five.. I’ll have five burgers please”
“Who the Hell orders five burgers?”
J.B. Pritzker thought it would be a good idea to go on the attack this weekend after Trump mean tweeted him:
“Sloppy J.B. Pritzker, the Rotund governor from the once great State of Illinois, makes Chris Christie look like a male model…”
Big mistake!
“Governor of Illinois mocks President Trump by saying he will annex Green Bay” – New York Post
So Pritzker took it upon himself to set up a fake news conference to announce he was renaming “Lake Michigan” to “Lake Illinois” displaying his truly next level idiocy.
President Trump did what he did because the United States and Mexico share about the exact same amount of shoreline (1,700 miles vs. 2,000 miles). Mexico has recently proven themselves lousy neighbors. Between allowing our southern border to be invaded by failing to maintain their southern border, monitoring overseas travelers through their airports and seaports, as well as allowing their cartels running wild (human trafficking and drugs), and the China fentanyl flow, they belong on our “sh*t list”!
Then we have Lake Michigan with 1,638 miles of shoreline, of which 45 miles lie in Indiana, 63 miles lie in Illinois, 400 miles in Wisconsin, with the rest going to Michigan.
It is a well-known fact Democrats like Pritzker are not very good at math. So let’s look at more math related to the “once great State of Illinois” as President Trump calls us.
Before Pritzker was even elected governor, Illinois was identified as a handful of U.S. “Death Spiral States” where takers outnumber makers.
- Today some 20 cents of every tax dollar now goes to pay the 6 state pension systems of Illinois.
- Illinois billionaire governor Pritzker personally profited off of the COVID-19 Pandemic 4 different ways.
- Illinois billionaire governor Pritzker got his first taste of Illinoisan’s civil disobedience on Memorial Day 2020 when thousands of bikers showed up at Poppy’s Biker Bar in defiance of his lockdown mandate.
- Illinois saw the third-highest rate of residents moving out in 2024 based on a survey by Atlas Van Lines. Some 300,000 left in 2023 alone.
- Illinois also has the second-highest property tax rate, corporate income tax rate and gas tax rate.
- Illinois is also third in the nation for highest unemployment rate.
- Illinois lost Boeing, Caterpillar and Citadel as well as a Jeep Stellantis plant in Belvidere.
- Illinois passed an un-Constitutional and illegal assault weapons gun ban which was the Democrat’s second experience with Illinoisan’s civil disobedience and is currently working its way through the courts where Pritzker will lose.
Illinois is probably the only state in the union where you can drive through the state and regularly see yard signs that read “PRITZKER SUCKS!”
I never wanted to own an assault weapon until Pritzker banned them such that I can no longer buy one. Now I would like to find a lawyer to sue him for the stupidity of his law using discrimination as the root cause for my litigation. Tyrannical socialists like Pritzker throwing our state borders open make me feel like maybe I should have one.
Because I did not own one at the time his ban and registration process went into effect, now I can never own one in Illinois. That smells pretty un-Constitutional and illegal to me. The only two reasons why I did not buy one before is they are very loud (I shot one before) and expensive to shoot (30 to 40 cents a round for 223 ammo).
Right now, like so many other Illinoisans, I would just like to see Tom Horman perp walk J.B. Pritzker out of the governor’s office in handcuffs.
He needs a little bling for Valentine’s Day!
He needs to be gone from Illinois, forever.
Nothing says “Fail Armey” like Fox’s late night comedian Greg Gutfeld using governor J.B. Pritzker’s picture in place of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s picture as the butt of all of his fat jokes.
I am sure Christie is giving thanks for Pritzker much the same as Jimmy Carter gave thanks for Joe Biden.
© 2025 by Mark S. Schwendau