Important Movies for Conservatives Drop

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

As the summer comes to an end for 2024 there are some very interesting movies that may appeal to conservatives coming out. These movies will prove to be important because they will go down in history as being both historic and timely in this election cycle.

“Tump 2024: The World After Trump” Release date August 21

“Trump 2024 Trailer #1” – Trump2024Film

“Tump 2024: The World After Trump” includes celebrity personalities Mike Huckabee, Eric Metaxas, Dennis Prager, Tony Perkins, Samuel Rodriguez, William G. Boykin, and Robert Jeffress along with many other recognizable people of our time. This movie is being heavily censored by Big Tech so you may be unaware of it.

Christian Anesthesiologist Dr. Bill Harrity founded the nonprofit Resurrection Pictures which produced this film and a previous film, “Genesis: Paradise Lost”. After the release of his first movie in 2017, Harrity prayed asking what to do next. He told “The Stream” he heard the Lord tell him to do a documentary about President Trump’s accomplishments. The intent of this film was to document President Trump’s accomplishments during his presidency and examine his role as leader of our country from a biblical standpoint.

It is to be noted that both YouTube and Facebook have refused to show anything about this film. “We were showing a 30-second spot on YouTube and they just recently shut that down. Facebook has shut us down. We’re not able to do anything on Facebook. … It’s a problem to get it out there when pretty much all of big tech is shutting down our voice,” Harrity said.

“Reagan” Release Date August 30

“REAGAN Movie Official Trailer (2024) – In Theaters August 30” – Reagan Movie

“Reagan” is about former President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989). This movie is a childhood-to-death tracing of the life of former president Ronald Reagan. Dennis Quaid plays the part of Ronald Reagan and does a remarkable job doing so.

I became a big fan of Ronald Reagan about 1979 when he would have a noontime radio talk show similar to Chicago’s Paul Harvey. The Ronald Reagan Radio Broadcasts ran around the noon hour in the Midwest on a number of local radio stations from 1976-1979. At that time Reagan had already been a sports caster, actor, president of the Screen Actors Guild, and California governor. He was about to become president. I later learned he was an Illinois boy (like me) who grew up in Dixon where he was a legendary lifeguard on a public beach of the Rock River. His points of view expressed during his radio talk show struck a chord with millions of Americans.

Liberals hated President Reagan so of course they hate this movie and everyone connected with it. Not only did the liberals censor or ban the movie around the country but even the trailer promoting it.

“’Reagan’ Cast Talks About Censorship on Social Media After Being Labeled ‘Political’ Speech” – Megyn Kelly

Conservatives grew to hate the liberals because when Jimmy Carter was succeeded by Ronald Reagan as president, Carter had grown an inflation rate to over 18% in 4 years. Reagan cut that back to 12% in 8 even though he raised the National Debt over a trillion dollars by rebuilding our weakened military, similar to what Trump did after Obama.

Introducing the ‘Presidential Inflation Rate’: Biden trails only Carter

“God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust”  Release Date September 12th

This is a fictional movie where a Rev. David Hill runs for Congress against an opponent who wants to erase religion from policy even though our country was founded on the Bible.

“God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust – Official Trailer” – God’s Not Dead

This movie stars David A.R. White (“God’s Not Dead” original movie), Dean Cain (Adventures of Lois & Clark), Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy), Scott Baio (Happy Days), Samaire Armstrong (The O.C.), Charlene Tilton (Dallas), and Ray Wise (RoboCop) with guest appearances by Governor Mike Huckabee, Raymond Arroyo and Newsboys.

This thought provoking movie asks the question, “Does God still have a place in politics?”

After the unexpected death of a favored congressional incumbent, Rev. David Hill feels compelled to enter the race, challenging increasing efforts to remove religious influence from public policy. “’God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust’ explores the enduring relevance of faith in public life and the fight to keep religious values at the heart of governance.”

“Am I Racist” Release date September 13th

The trailer for “Am I Racist” dropped over a month ago and already has over 5 million views so this movie should do well when it opens in theaters.

“Am I Racist? | Official Trailer” – Matt Walsh

A very interesting new movie by Matt Walsh is titled “Am I a Racist?” His movie posters announce the movie as “A Comedy to DIE For“, but somebody crossed out DIE and replaced it with DEI (for Diversity Equity and Inclusion). Of course DEI was a Biden and Harris program to promote hiring for jobs not by best, brightest, or most qualified to do the work, but rather hiring by government quotas of variables such as race, gender, and sexual identification. That Walsh, always the funny guy!

Walsh is a prominent conservative political activist, author, podcaster, and columnist. He is host of “The Matt Walsh Show” podcast and a columnist for the American conservative website The Daily Wire. He has authored four books and starred in The Daily Wire documentary films “What Is a Woman?” and “Am I Racist?”

Few people can make us think and laugh like Walsh does.  Walsh gets busted sneaking into a “Grieving White Privilege” workshop he snuck into largely dressed as himself but with a man bun.  Somewhere along the way he gets recognized as his cameras keep rolling in the “Ant-racist Allyship Training”. Of course the police get called and Walsh gets escorted out because if there are two things liberals do not like it is to be challenged and found out during their closed door meetings.


I will conclude this with both a funny and serious thought. After watching one of the 4 movies noted above I had a deep thought as to why I liked it, “I think, therefore I am” was a famous statement by French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes dating back to 1637.

I modified his famous quote for an Internet meme, “I THINK, THEREFORE I AM, not a Democrat.”

The serious thought I had was based on the progressive liberal Democrats both censoring the above movies from the Internet and flaming them in bad reviews simply because they do not like the conservative points of views and values they portray. This is exceptionally dishonest and close-minded.

I had not thought of Ronald Reagan in a long time but the movie about him reminded me of those difficult years of Jimmy Carter just before him. I think Jimmy Carter was a good and nice man. I think Joe Biden is neither. What the two shared in common is the presidency of the United States was beyond their abilities. That is me being honest and correct and before any Democrat falsely accuses me of being biased, I loved JFK as our president. Our presidency was not beyond the abilities of Democrat JFK.

We all need to think more and laugh more these days. The movies above can help us do those things.

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