Republican and Democratic presidential candidates were all invited to speak at the Moms for Liberty national summit in Philadelphia, organizers say, and five Republicans said yes.
The summit took place June 29 through July 2 at the Museum of the American Revolution, and the candidates who spoke were, in order of appearance, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley, and former President Donald Trump on June 30, and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy on July 1.
The rare opportunity to see so many candidates in person, so close together, gave attendees a chance to compare them and get a feel for who they would support in the primary.
Gathered around a table, seven people who attended the conference talked politics the evening of July 1, assessing what they had seen and how they believe the Republican primary may play out.
The Epoch Times asked them to rank the five candidates from 1 to 5, with one being the candidate they are most likely to vote for if the primary were held today, then ranking their second choice and continuing down the line.
It is not a scientific poll, nor the official word from the Moms for Liberty organization, but the ranking drove an interesting conversation as participants explained their rationale.
By Beth Brelje