In Our Republic the People Have the Most Power and Freedoms

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During a House of Representatives Judiciary Markup Hearing, Victoria Spartz explains that our republic is what it is “because the people have the most power and freedoms, and if we take these freedoms away from We The People, we’re going to, unfortunately, abandon and betray all the people who died of freedoms.

Thank you Mr. Chairman.

I actually want to concur with the gentle lady from Wyoming that, actually, EPA is probably is the most abusive agencies and actually Supreme Court ruled last year on their complete overreach of their power, and the authority delegated on the Clean Air Act and what they do with the Clean Water Act is actually, you know, it’s, I would argue that they are trying to take private property rights by the government. Private property, abusing, abusing the power of the government. And when governments try to take your private property, this is actually communism by Karl Marx. It’s not even socialism, and it’s very dangerous. And I’ll be honest with you, look at the PMLs and financials of all large corporations and all this big firms like BlackRock, they doing just fine with all of the regulations that my Democrat colleagues issued. They’re making a lot of money. But who is getting hurt is the little guy, that farmer or some business owner that cannot afford to hire lawyers and a CPA for $1,000 an hour. That cannot afford to go and lobby to every government level and be sitting in their offices and trying to make their case. That’s who’s getting screwed.

And we now have a situation now where all of this so called dark money is doing just fine, but the little guy has no ability now to be able to start a business and be able to compete, and and have abilities to make money. I think this is a very dangerous situation where we now concentrating the power close to the government, close to Washington DC, and giving the power to the bureaucracies, the people have no ability to even have an input. I mean, this is crazy, and this is very dangerous for our country.

And I will tell you, I mean, EPA is so creative, they do suicidal gimmicks, you know, to try to put, violate even Administrative Procedures Act. They’re doing all these definitions, you know. They use and they pay people to come into committees, you know, and lobby on something that doesn’t help the people. But, in reality, this is what’d happening with all of this environmental regulations that we put, because when they unfeasible, what’s happened right now, that we’re killing and destroying businesses in our country, and companies like BlackRock are a part of it, and they’re give a lot of power, they don’t have to follow the rules. But what’s happening, we’re burning coal from China. We’re helping Russia to make a lot of money, and American companies are getting screwed. And our pollution is actually, is a matter of fact, higher than actually that was before. Because when we push our companies to do business with lowest and corrupt countries and dictatorships, they’re colluding in the same environment. We don’t build the walls, you know, around China or anywhere else. In the same ocean all the pollution goes. Instead of having reasonable laws, the representative of the people and the businesses here, and help our people and our companies and Americans to succeed.

So this is just dumb. And if you think about it, some of these funds, you know that, wasn’t this, you know, climate change agenda, BlackRock like British funds. Actually, the rest of activist who are honest, I actually respect if someone is honest, you know, I’m not hypocrite. If you want to drive everyone to drive a bike and you’re driving a bike, I respect you. But if you are flying big jet, fueled jets, and you want me to ride the bike, screw you, you know, you’re not going to tell me what to do. You know, this is wrong. You know, you have no power to do that. And these big companies have no right to tell us what to do. And I think we as  legislators need to think about who it is we represent, because these agencies do not represent the people. They represent big special interest groups. People rotate between them. They get jobs and lobbying, and careers in all of these different companies and their promulgating these rules to benefit large special interest groups. And now they are becoming so powerful, that everyone is afraid to challenge them, you know. And I think if we are not going to go back and think, what are we doing here? We’re going to destroy our country, how it is known, and how it was set up. And it is very, very dangerous.

So our branch has to get it together and start doing our job and not be afraid of the administrative state. Not be afraid of large corporation and big money that’s coming from all directions. But we must actually remember that this Republic is set up in being the greatest Republic in the history of the world, for only the reasons, there is no difference between the people. Because the people have the most power and freedoms, and if we take these freedoms away from “We The People” we’re going to, unfortunately, abandon and betray all the people who died for our freedoms. I yield back.

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