In Texas, Abbott Is Playing Hardball on Illegal Border Crossings. Good.

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In 2019, as he prepared to launch his campaign for mayor of New York, Eric Adams slammed President Donald Trump’s policies at the southern border, tweeting that “New York City will ALWAYS stand up to” Trump and promising: “To anyone in the world fleeing hatred and oppression, the ultimate city of immigrants wants you to remember: you’re ALWAYS welcome here.”

Well, apparently not “ALWAYS.” Now that the Texas Division of Emergency Management has begun transporting to New York City asylum seekers and illegal migrants released from federal custody, Adams is crying foul — calling “horrific” the decision by Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to send about 800 people who had illegally crossed the border and complaining that even before Abbott’s buses arrived New York was already “overburdened” by an “unprecedented surge” of asylum seekers.

Give me a break. According to Bill Melugin, the Fox News reporter who has been on the ground in Eagle Pass, Texas, covering the border crisis for more than a year, the Del Rio sector — a 47-county region — reported 2,200 migrants had arrived illegally in a single 24-hour period this week. In all, Melugin tells me, there have been 401,449 illegal crossings in the Del Rio sector since fiscal 2022 began on Oct. 1 — double the number from the same period a year before. To put those numbers in perspective, consider: Eagle Pass has a population of about 29,000 people. Yet Adams is complaining that Texas is sending 800 migrants to New York — a city of more than 8 million people?

Adams didn’t protest in October when the Biden administration sent planeloads of migrants, some of them underage, from Texas to the New York area. But when Abbott sent a charter bus to New York City this month carrying 54 migrants, Adams called it “irresponsible,” “un-American” and “inhumane.”

By Marc A. Thiessen

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