Into Thy Hands

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“He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:7-8

Young Girl – Christine Anderson
Mary – Myriam Kadouch
Jesus – Roee Raifeld
Disciple at the cross – Avi Grinstein
Roman soldier at the cross – Stav Mizrahi
Woman at the cross #1 – Ester Kanner
Woman at the cross #2 – Yaffa Saidoff
Woman at the cross #3 – Galina Belfer
Woman at the cross #3 – Mina Grinstein

Exec. Producer | Frederick A. Larson
Producer | Adrian Chynoweth
Producers | Michael Sweet + Stephen Vidano
Director + DP | Stephen Vidano
Production | Vidano Films, Inc. –
Production Coordinators | Eitan Alon + Ruthy Lustig-Dassa
Camera A + MoVI – Israel | Tom Small
Camera B + Drone – Israel | Joshua Keffer
Camera A – Colorado | Stephen Vidano
Camera B – Colorado | Michael Sweet
Production Designer | Yoav Dahari
Wardrobe | Rona Doron
Hair + Makeup | Rinat Aloni
Gaffer | Haim Kahlon
Key Grip | Yair Dahan
Grip | Roslan Buchernikov
PA + Transportation | Moshe Gisis

Editor | Stephen Vidano
Assistant Editor | Elizabeth Johnson
Special FX Houdini Animation | Jim Huenergardt

Composer | Christof Unterberger
Score | “Hermosa Beach”

Filmed on location in Israel + Colorado

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