J6 Cassidy Hutchinson Lied with Liz Cheney!

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

If one goes and looks up former Republican House Representative Liz Cheney these days, they can find all kinds of reports on how she has just recently come out endorsing and campaigning for Democrat Kamala Harris for president over Republican and former President Donald Trump. It is almost like the mainstream media and high technology are stacking the deck on this story.

Matter of fact that is exactly what they are doing! And, sadly, once again the American citizenry is left out in the dark as what they are doing is blatant gaslighting.

Want to know the real story on Liz Cheney and why she has come out against Donald Trump just now?

Well, that involves a bit of digging and you soon find out it is directly related to her wrongdoings as she served as one of two RINO House Republicans on Nancy Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee. Remember Cassidy Hutchinson, AKA “Clavicle Girl”?

“Cassidy Hutchinson: Trump tried to grab car’s steering wheel to go to Capitol Hill” – Guardian News

Hutchinson told a story where President Trump was in the back of the stretch limo known as “The Beast” and Trump tried to make the driver take him to the Capitol by grabbing from the back to the front at the driver’s clavicle. Anybody who has ever been in a stretch limo found the story pretty unbelievable and, sure enough, the Secret Service soon said the incident never happened.

So now a handwriting expert has said a handwriting sample attributed to Hutchinson during the J6 hearing is not hers.

“Cassidy’s Handwriting BUSTED! Liz Cheney SLAMMED in Bar Complaint; Raffensberger’s Secret Group?” – Robert Gouveia Esq.

Expert Analysis Reveals Hutchinson Not the Author of January 6 Tweet

Podcaster Robert Gouveia Esq. exposes a group known as “Power the Polls” has an advisory council “made up of prominent cultural, political, and advocacy leaders from across the political spectrum, united in their support for recruiting poll workers”. But get this, two of them are none other than former RINO Republican Illinois House Representative Adam Kinzinger and RINO Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger!

Influence Watch reports this on Power the Polls.

“Power the Polls describes itself as ‘powered’ by Work Elections, a project of the Fair Elections Center launched in 2016 initially funded by the Knight Foundation’s Knight Prototype Fund, which provides educational resources about poll worker recruitment and aims to broaden and diversify the available number of poll workers nationwide. To that end, the project is particularly concerned with recruiting bilingual poll workers to assist voters with limited English proficiency.

Work Elections’ parent organization, the Fair Elections Center, is a left-of-center litigation and election policy advocacy nonprofit created in 2006 based in Washington, D.C. Work Elections originated as a project of the center-left funding and fiscal sponsorship group New Venture Fund and has since been registered as a nonprofit in its own right since April 2017.”

Podcaster Robert Gouveia goes on to remind the public that according to HR503 the entire J6 Committee establishment and proceedings violated their own House rule.

H. Res. 503 – Establishing the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

Bottom line, the committee was illegitimate, unconstitutionally, and possibly illegally formed and since they lost all written records of their own proceedings, every member of that “unselect” committee has now violated Federal law.

But, this story gets better. Liz Cheney and that committee was found out even before this handwriting story broke:

“Our Subcommittee’s ‘Initial Findings Report’ released in March shows that four other White House employees did not corroborate Hutchinson’s dramatic account, and instead directly refuted it. The Select Committee was in possession of these accounts but chose to hide them, and instead promoted Hutchinson’s scandalous narrative. Since that report, our Subcommittee has obtained the transcribed interviews of the Secret Service Agents, including the driver of the SUV, who refuted Hutchinson’s testimonies.”

So now Liz Cheney has had a Bar complaint filed against her related to her conduct as an attorney by America First Legal.

New Texts Reveal Liz Cheney Communicated with Cassidy Hutchinson About Her Select Committee Testimony—without Hutchinson’s Attorney’s Knowledge—Despite Cheney Knowing it was Unethical


All of the information provided by podcaster Robert Gouveia Esq. should be broadcast in a mainstream media special because this shows Liz Cheney and her involvement in this J6 “Unselect” Committee as a proven sham conspiracy.

President Trump and J.D. Vance should blow this story up. This story shows liars prefer to associate with other liars which explains why Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris are new BFFs!

Like most Americans, when this committee took form, I was immediately put off by the apparent lack of due process afforded to President Trump as well as all of the other impacted by the hearings of this committee. To call what happened that day “an insurrection” is a proven lie. It was a protest turned mostly peaceful riot. There is now some belief that some of those agitators for violence were actually Federal agents planted in the crowd.  

The J6 Select Committee was a fake narrative and that is now proven as fact. The committee has since illegally lost all of their written records of their meetings and Nancy Pelosi is shown in video the J6 Capitol riot was her fault as recorded by her own daughter.

New Footage: Pelosi Responsibility to Secure Capitol on J6 – CBS Mornings

So the real reason why Liz Cheney is campaigning hard for Kamala Harris goes like this:

Normally Liz Cheney, as a House Representative, enjoys some immunity from prosecution as she acts in her official capacity in exercises like the J6 Select Committee. This would not protect her from unethical behavior with Cassidy Hutchinson as a licensed attorney but she would have some privileges of immunity similar to the president. In other words, she could lose her law license for what she did with Hutchinson but not be criminally prosecuted as a House committee member.

HOWEVER, here is the problem for Cheney, because the January 6 Committee was improperly (illegally?) formed and lacked authority in its establishment in the first place, none of its acts thereafter are constitutionally protected!

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