I will fight to ensure the interests of the American people are always put first!
Jan Believes
There is power in putting Faith in our God.
The Sanctity of Life must not be violated.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Personal responsibility and taking initiative for one’s life, family, and community is what makes Arkansas great.
Liberty, individual freedom, and private property rights are secured by limiting government.
Economic growth comes with lower taxes.
A strong national defense is one of our federal government’s top priorities.
Putting Americans First is always worth the fight.
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Life is Precious
Jan is one hundred percent pro-life. Period.
Jan believes every life is precious and must be protected, from the moment of conception, to natural passing.
Many politicians pay lip service to this critically important issue. Not Jan.
Jan will fight to defund Planned Parenthood, fight for tougher restrictions on abortion at every opportunity, and will co-sponsor federal Life at Conception legislation.
It is the duty of every person in government to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Not only will Jan DEFEND the right to life, she will FIGHT for it.
America First
The political establishment, eager to line their own pockets, has sold our God-given and constitutional rights away in order to push the globalist agenda of multi-national corporations and banking cartels.
It is time to stop sending foreign aid to terror-friendly nations before taking care of our own veterans. It’s time to stop incentivizing tech companies to hire foreigners over our own college graduates through the H-1B visa program.
The line in the sand has been drawn. Jan will NOT surrender our border, our culture, or our rights as American citizens to immigrants, establishment politicians or the global corporations pandering to them.
Jan will fight to ensure the interests of the American people are always put first.
Election Integrity and Reform
More than half the nation recognizes the 2020 elections were rife with fraud, particularly in key swing states. Without a quick intervention into our electoral system, we will forever lose our democratic right to vote in a free and fair election.
Jan supports the election integrity and reform efforts recently laid out by President Donald Trump. These include:
- Passing requirements for voter ID. You need an ID to cash a check, you need an ID to go to a bank, to buy alcohol, to drive a car; every person should need to show an ID in order to vote in every election.
- Require proof of American citizenship in order to vote in American elections.
- Ban ballot harvesting and prohibit the use of unsecured drop boxes to commit rampant fraud.
- Stop the practice of universal unsolicited mail-in balloting.
- Clean up the voter rolls and ensure that every single person who cast a vote is a citizen of our country, a resident of the state in which they vote, and their vote is cast in a lawful and honest manner.
- Restore the vital civic tradition of in-person voting on election day.
- Hold big tech accountable. Remove Section 230 protections for Big Tech.
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Border Wall
Build the wall NOW.
The border wall is essential to keeping Americans safe.
Jan will explore any and all options to ensure the wall is completed quickly and securely; designed and built by Americans.
2nd Amendment
The right to keep and bear arms is an inalienable RIGHT, not a Government-issued privilege.
The second amendment prevents the government from infringing on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms in order to keep tyranny at bay.
Jan will fight to restore gun rights that have already been usurped, while voting against any measure that would further restrict the second amendment; especially “assault weapons” bans, Red Flag Laws, and registration requirements.
Jan has worked in the 2nd amendment trenches for over a decade to repeal bad gun laws and prevent further infringements.
Immigration is one of the most important issues of our time. The political elites give lip service to abstract solutions on immigration during campaign season, only to table the issue once re-elected.
The truth is, Democrats NEED the immigrant vote. In addition, the GOP establishment loves the immigrant cheap labor. This applies to both legal and illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration and refugee resettlement threaten America’s security, economy and culture. It’s time for a HARD STOP on illegal immigration by turning illegals over to ICE to be arrested and/or deported.
“Sanctuary cities” harboring illegals are committing a crime and their elected officials should be punished accordingly. No open borders. No amnesty. No DACA. No globalism.
America is also now importing another ONE MILLION legal immigrants every year through birthright citizenship, chain migration policies and massive abuse of visa programs, like H-1B and the F-1 optimal training program.
It’s imperative for congress to secure our border and enact policies that favor American workers and preserve American culture.
Until then, Jan calls for a FULL 10-year moratorium on ALL Immigration.
It’s time to put American citizens first. Period.
Balanced Budget Amendment
Americans are expected to balance their own checkbooks; Congress should be held to the same or higher standards.
Jan believes that balancing the national budget is a priority.
Jan will push for an amendment to the Constitution requiring that government adhere to policy that works to respect and strengthen the American dollar, while also keeping our grandchildren from having to pay off our debt.
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Foreign Policy
Endless wars, military intervention and regime change in foreign affairs is not in America’s best interests.
Jan believes in a strong, well trained military to protect America’s homeland and provide international deterrence from bad foreign actors. She also believes in sending our military to war ONLY as a last resort.
When engaging our military in foreign conflict, we MUST provide our soldiers with the tools and policy to win QUICKLY and DECISIVELY. Prolonged conflicts with inferior third-rate countries, like Afghanistan, solely benefit the military industrial complex, not the American people or American troops.
Finally, we must ALWAYS give support to our soldiers once they come home.
Political Correctness & The War on Women
Under the facade of political correctness and acceptance, our cities are being burned to the ground, our monuments are being toppled and our system of government usurped.
Jan will push to restore law and order as well as advocate for severe penalties for those causing chaos by rioting, looting and destroying our symbols of American history and culture.
American women are being terrorized by liberal policies that allow transgendered men to crossover, beat them in sports and spy on them in the bathroom.
Jan will fight for Title IX funding to protect women’s sports from this assault, which is the real war on women.
About Jan Morgan
Jan Morgan is a Christian, wife, mother, National Conservative Commentator, and NRA, USCCA and State Police Certified Firearms Instructor. Jan and her husband Bob, own an Indoor Gun Range/Firearms Training facility in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where they have trained over forty-thousand law abiding Americans in personal self-defense.
Since 2016 Jan has served as the National Spokesperson of Citizens for Trump, one of the largest grassroots organizations in America supporting Donald J. Trump. For two years, Jan was on Fox Business and other national TV and radio and print media outlets defending President Trump and the America first agenda.
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For 27 years, Jan was an award winning investigative TV journalist, working for several network affiliates, with a specialty in exposing waste, fraud, and abuse in government. During her 27 years as a television news anchor and reporter, her work won Associated Press awards in spot news, documentary, and best continuing coverage. Her most recent documentary, Rampant InJustice gained national attention for exposing the unconstitutional para-military raids by the Justice Department under Eric Holder and President Obama’s administration.
In addition, Jan has been a heavily sought after public speaker and fighter on the 2nd Amendment front, fighting for gun rights and speaking at rallies and events in 25 states, which led to her being affectionately referred to as the 1st Lady of the 2nd Amendment.
Jan was one of only two women chosen to speak to the massive Virginia Lobby Day rally when Democrats threatened to destroy the gun rights of citizens of Virginia. She was also a speaker in New York before a crowd of over 9,000 people on the day legislators were voting to destroy the gun rights of New Yorkers with The Safe Act.
Her conservative voice generated a following of over 1.5 million fans on social media which earned her the award, “The Voice of the Conservative Voter” by the Texas GOP, and “Conservative Rockstar” by Red, White, and Blue News.
Over the past 15 years, Jan has written articles for a number of conservative outlets including Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Patriot Update.
Jan is the national founder of 2AWomen, the fastest growing national organization of women with chapters in every state, dedicated to grassroots level efforts to confront and defeat any state level attempt to restrict the gun rights of Americans. 2AWomen is the national counter to anti-gun radicals “Moms Demand Action.”
She is also national founder of a Ladies Only Shooting League, called Hot Shotz, which provides women with the opportunity to gather with other women who want to continue to grow their firearms knowledge and tactical skills!
Jan also served in Christian Broadcasting, producing a documentary about the work of a Christian Broadcast Station founded by her former Pastor and Governor, Mike Huckabee, that won a national award for broadcast excellence! Jan served on Senior Staff of a Baptist Church for several years where she was the director of the TV ministry team producing weekly national broadcasts. She also served on the Executive Board of the Arkansas State Baptist Convention.
In addition, Jan taught Broadcast Journalism at Texas High School in Texarkana, TX, for seven years where her students gained national notoriety for producing their own monthly half-hour tv program that aired on three TV networks! Some of her high school students went on to pursue careers in broadcast journalism or television production.
Jan was raised by her now retired parents. Her mother was a school teacher with a double Masters in English and Spanish. Her father was an inventory analyst at TNN warehouse. Jan graduated from Daingerfield High School, accepted a full scholarship to East Texas State University (now a branch of Texas A&M University) with a major in Broadcast Journalism and minor in Political Science. She has one sister and a 25 year old daughter. In her spare time, Jan enjoys riding her motorcycles through the Natural State with her husband.