Jim Jordan – Democrats Lies And Policies Are A Danger To Our Democracy

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Rep. Jim Jordon talks about the Democrat lies being fed to the American people, and how the democrats policies and legislation are harming Americans.


Thank you Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. The Majority Leader, just a few minutes ago, used the term “danger to our democracy, danger to our democracy”. Think about this. Democrats have closed the capitol, allowed proxy voting, kicked Republicans off committee, won’t let Republicans serve on this select committee. First time in the history the Congress the Minority leader was not allowed to put on a select committee the individuals he or she selected. First time in the history of our nation.

Democrats are trying to end the Electoral College, trying to end the filibuster, trying to pack the court. This committee, the January 6th Committee, altered evidence and presented it to the American people as if it were true, and they accuse us of being a danger to our democracy.

Mr. Gates was right. We got a border that is complete chaos. We have $6 gas in California, $4 gas everywhere else in the country. We have crime at record levels in every major urban area in this nation, and we have an inflation problem that that at a 40-year high. And this committee has more contempt resolutions for a purely political reason, I think the whole committee is purely political, designed to do one thing, keep President Trump off the ballot in 2024.

The gentle lady from Wyoming in her opening comments use the term false message, false message. She used to say big lie, now I guess its false message. I just jotted, I thought when she said it I started jotting things down. False, think about all the false messages we’ve got from them in the last few years. They told us the protests in the summer of 2020 were peaceful. Gotta billion dollars worth of damage around our cities that told us it wasn’t real.

They told us the dossier was real. They told us it was Republicans, Republicans who wanted to defund police. That’s almost laughable if it wasn’t so serious for our law enforcement and for the families that live in those areas where mayors and city council did defund the police.

They told us the FBI didn’t spy on the Trump campaign. We know that wasn’t true. We got inspector general reports that tells us all kinds of things of what they did in front of the FISA courts. They said Trump colluded with Russia. We got a Mueller report, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 30 million hard earned America tax dollars in that report, that said that false message was just that, false.

They told us COVID didn’t start in the lab, sure looks like it did. They told us the lab wasn’t doing gain of function research, sure looks like it was. They told us that the vaccinated can’t get it, we know that’s wrong. Everyday there’s a new announcement, a member of Congress is getting it, fully vaccinated and boosted and everything else. I told us the vaccinated can’t transmit it, they told us that was wrong.

And you talk about the biggest false message. The biggest false message that’s just been confirmed in the last week, how false it was, the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. The Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. October 22, 2020, two weeks before the election, candidate Biden is asked about his son’s business dealings with foreign companies, he says, quote nothing was unethical. He said my son has not made money, has not made money with business interest, with companies with an interest in China. We all know there are 4.8 million reasons why that statement was not accurate. And how do we know? Washington Post told us. Not me, not President Trump, not Republicans, the Washington Post told us last week two stories, last week. We can go today, one at 11:00a.m., one at 11:04 a.m.. Two 8 page articles 4 minutes apart confirming what we knew, but what big media, big tech, Democrats colluded to keep from the American people just days before, just days before the most important election we have, presidential election, who’s going to be our next commander and chief. The laptop was real the eye witness was real, the emails were real. The only thing fake was that collusion from those individuals those entities to keep important information from we the people in the run-up to the most important election we have. And oh, by the way, they were joined by 51 former intel officials, joined in the collusion. You know what’s also interesting? It’s funny how that story has changed. Eighteen months ago it started off, wasn’t his laptop, quickly switch to will it was his laptop and it was Russian disinformation, and now it is, well it wasn’t Russian disinformation, but Joe Biden had nothing to do with it. Now it was, well Joe knew what was going on but he wasn’t really involved in anything, anything wrong. Ron Klain told us that, Chief of Staff told us at Sunday.

We need to be focused on the issues that the American people want us to focus on. You want to talk about danger to our democracy and the biggest false message, I would say what happened, one of the biggest dangers to our democracy and one of the biggest false was what happened eighteen months ago, where back story was kept from the American people. You can dig into that find out what went on there and why that happened and we can also focus on the record crime, record inflation, record price of gas, and the chaos on our Southern Border that’s about to get worse, about to get worse as the Democrats look to, as the Biden administration looks to removing Title 42.

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