Joe Biden is Clearly Unfit for Office

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Through most of his term in our highest office Joe Biden has shown himself suffering from some form of mental decline. Some of us are more competent to call him and his family out than others. Those of us who are highly competent to criticize and accuse the Biden family are those of us who have had family and friends who have suffered from dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. For me, it was my mother who passed away 4 years ago after an illness which lasted about 8. Imagine living as a son who is a complete stranger to his own mother and you begin to understand.

Those of us who are not so much partisans as centrists do not want Joe Biden leading this country and the free world because he is a Democrat or, perhaps, even a socialist Democrat. We do not want him in our highest office because he is clearly unfit for office to the point anybody casually looking at him is smart enough to know he is not calling the shots for this country or, for that matter, even himself. He is a pawn. Somebody behind the scenes is writing the teleprompter words for him to stumble and slur through and, no doubt, somebody else has the all-important nuclear football with nuclear missile launch codes.

This last fact should scare the hell out of every single American of all political walks of life! As Americans, we have a right to know what the hell is really going on in the White House, specifically, who is in charge.

To the credit of some in our mainstream news media, such as the Wall Street Journal, some are now openly beginning to question the wisdom of allowing Joe Biden to run for a second term in the off chance he should win again, cheating or not.

Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping – Wall Street Journal

Many have openly discussed the possibility of removing Joe Biden from office before November by invoking the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution reads:

“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

Now you understand why Kamala Harris was selected to be Joe Biden’s vice president. She has been Biden’s insurance policy to insure he was never removed from office because even though Joe Biden was shown in one recent poll with an approval rating of only 52%, that same poll showed Harris at only 42%.

“Joe Biden hits rock bottom with worst gaffe yet”

Joe Biden has a history of embellishing the truth if you like him. If you are truly impartial he is a compulsive liar to the point of going off a scripted narrative and making things up or simply plagiarizing more famous people from the past. The new term the mainstream media used to cover for his recent plagiarism of former President Ronald Reagan at his Normandy speech was “channeling” by at least one mainstream network.

“Biden Plagiarizes Reagan at Normandy” – The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show


There are internet memes going around that state, “JOE BIDEN WAS AN EMBICILE BEFORE HE WAS SENILE!” If you want to see how truly unoriginal and ignorant the Democrats supporting Joe Biden are, all you have to do is study the true posts made related to Joe Biden compared to the misinformation parallel posts they then post about Donald Trump.

For example; It is common knowledge Joe Biden wears adult diapers and sometimes loses control of himself. At one point he came out on to the front lawn of the White House and randomly announced to the press waiting there, “My butt’s been wiped.”

“Joe Biden Yells ‘My Butt’s Been Wiped!’”

As if to deflect from this very real sign of a crisis in the Joe Biden presidency, pretty soon the lefties started a rumor Donald Trump smelled bad when you got close to him. Of course most people will never be allowed to get close to him so those guilty of perpetuating this lie won’t be found out.

Another thing these evil partisan hacks are guilty of is now trying to question former President Donald Trump’s mental acuity. Trump does not equate to Biden in mental fitness for office. Anybody who knows anything about this subject knows it is not about age but about other factors such as gene pool, how much one uses their brain, and possibly diet over a lifetime. New research would seem to support Trump is remaining mentally acute and relevant by circulating the country conducting rallies while Biden sits on a beach.  Other researchers would speculate Biden is the way he is because he drinks alcohol and Trump does not.

Virtually everything the Democrats accuse former President Donald Trump of, they are actually guilty of themselves! Let that sink in. That is called the psychological ploy of “projected guilt”.

“JUST IN: Chip Roy Unleashes On Merrick Garland For Blocking Biden-Hur Audio Release” – Forbes

Merrick Garland has refused to release the audio tapes of Joe Biden being questioned by Special Counsel Robert Hur for two reasons:

  • Rumor has it the transcript is not the same as what Joe Biden actually said.
  • The transcript leaves out such things as voice inflection, pregnant pauses, slurs, and stuttering.

Attorney General Merrick Garland should be removed from office because of his partisan insanity of his defense of president Joe Biden… too old and inept to be held responsible for his illegally held top secret documents in his home and three other locations, but still fit to be the leader of the free world!

If I am right about Joe Biden, the first of two scheduled Presidential debates on Thursday, June 27 at 9 p.m. (ET) on CNN should be a good test for Trump and Biden. It will be put up or shut up time. And if CNN tries to help Biden out, well, that is just going to make a bad situation worse. Americans may not be “woke” but they are “awake” now.

My prediction is Joe Biden will do so bad the second debate will be cancelled by the Democrats.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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