On July 13th of this year candidate and former President Donald J. Trump was almost assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania. Observers saw this assassination attempt exposed a nearly fatal flaw of both the Trump Administration and Trump campaigns for the presidency. That flaw is Donald J. Trump is not like us. He is a billionaire. He is all the bad things the Democrats and media had been crowing about in CIA mockingbird style fashion and he is simply just not human. He is expendable.
Many were stunned that an immediate response to this near tragedy was when his 17-year old granddaughter insisted on taking the stage at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Kai Trump, daughter of Donald Trump Jr., made history that day and began to make a historic change for her grandfather; Donald J. Trump Sr. Few will probably realize how significant this moment in history was. Kai singlehandedly destroyed the false narrative of her grandfather in a matter of just a few minutes.
What most Americans did not know was just exactly how good both President Trump and Kai Trump are in golf and for those who play or follow golf, this was a big deal. Golf is not an easy game to master. And the first inkling America got of just exactly how good President Trump is in golf came was in this exchange during the 2024 President’s debate.
“Biden and Trump argue over age and golf swings during 2024 presidential debate” – MSNBC
Where people got the idea Joe Biden was, once again, both a liar and mentally impaired is when he made references to both his golf handicap as well as “carrying your own clubs”. A golf handicap is a mathematical calculation to allow two dissimilar players to compete together fairly. It is like a bowling average. When Biden said he was a “6 handicap” that implied he could shoot a standard par 72 course (which most are) at around 78 regularly or 6 over par. Those who have seen the little bit of video of Joe Biden playing golf were laughing out loud at this point in the debate. The second part that had everyone who knows golf laughing out loud was his reference about carrying his own clubs. This is a reference to walking the course. Only pro golfers have to walk the course and they have caddies to carry their clubs. Nobody would expect two men the age of Trump and Biden to walk a golf course and carry their clubs!
Golf Digest magazine reports President Trump’s handicap as 2.8 which is very nearly “scratch”, which means par or 72 for 18 holes.
So besides Americans not knowing how good President Trump was at golf, they knew absolutely nothing about granddaughter Kai Trump before her RNC speech. NCSA College Recruiting offers this profile on Kai as a golfer.
And the reason why golf is so important to this news story is Kai has put a spotlight on just exactly how good she and her grandfather are in this sport as well as how human and normal they both are as granddaughter and grandfather. In doing this, she also reveals both of their deep levels of intellect. Golf is at least as much mental as physical!
“Trying to beat my Grandpa’s best golf score…” – Kai Trump
Any golfer who watches this video of Kai has to admire her not just for her golf ability and swing but how she takes us all along in her head as she explains her thought process as she addresses each hole and each stroke on this course.
And the reason why Kai Trump is an American icon is she has shown the world what it is like behind the privacy curtain of the Trump family making them all very vulnerable, likeable, and human.
“Kai Trump Election Night Vlog” – Kai Trump
And the interesting thing about what Kai Trump has accomplished is she has now started a trend as was recently shown in this Nelk Boys video which has garnered almost 8 million views in a month.
“Donald Trump invited us on Trump Force One!” – Nelk
Life is about communication and education. In this case Kai Trump opened up a channel of communication for education about what life is like in the Trump family. Kai has blown up the Nazi style propaganda perpetuated by the Deep State and reversed a trend which now has the momentum of a snowball rolling down a mountainside.
“Incredible New Footage shows what Trump’s Campaign Was Really Like” – Warren Smith – Secret Scholar Society
Billionaire and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban recently made an insulting comment about the women who surround President Donald Trump.
“Mark Cuban says ‘You never see Trump around intelligent women’”
Apparently Cuban missed out Kai Trump’s speech at the RNC this summer. On the surface, to the low-intellect individual, it may have been just a sweet little granddaughter speaking about her grandpa. But to the critical thinker, Kai Trump flipped a false mockingbird media narrative about her grandpa on its head in a matter of minutes!
Score a “W” for Kai Trump for the win. You go girl!
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