People found it odd during the ABC Presidential Debate when former President Donald Trump brought up Springfield, Ohio. Kamala Harris supporters began laughing at former President Trump thinking he was becoming unhinged as he talked about Haitians there “eating the dog, eating the cats!”
But I noticed something even more odd than Trump being Trump. Kamala Harris’ laughter was more of an uneasy, uncomfortable, nervous laughter. It was like Kamala Harris had just been exposed by President Trump in a very public way, but for what?
It didn’t take long for some of America’s most popular online news content creators to get boots on the ground in Springfield, Ohio, and do some man-on-the-street interviews. Some of these interviews turned out to be most revealing. Although not all the information has been verified or has been proven to be true or false, the issues for the people in Springfield, Ohio and for the Haitian migrants are real.
“Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by ‘Cat-Eating’ Haitians” – Tyler Oliveira
It turns out there were police reports and witnesses of members of the Haitian Creole community killing ducks and geese at a Springfield Park with a pond. It turns out there are witnesses to pets going mysteriously missing, particularly cats. It turns out that much of Haiti practices the religion of Voodoo and that religion calls for the sacrifice of cats.
The Truth About “Eating Pets” in Springfield Ohio
“Springfield, Ohio Locals SPEAK OUT on Migrant Crisis” – The Based Conservative
But this is a small concern of what the Springfield residents want to put Kamala Harris on blast over. The top issues heard over and over from these residents are these:
- These new Haitian immigrants are getting thousands of dollars in government handouts they are not legally entitled to that allow them to subsist here. The Haitians even have a name for them, “Biden Bucks”. They call the plastic cards they use their “magic money cards”.
- These new Haitian immigrants somehow are able to get a vehicle whereupon they go out and cause all kinds of accidents driving around Springfield. In many instances they are doing this without proper license and insurance according to Ohio law.
- Sending some 20,000 immigrants to a town that was only a population of 59,000 in 2020 is questioned. Who was responsible for this and why Springfield?
- The public services such as schools, police, and hospitals are now being overwhelmed.
- There is a deep resentment as to how Biden and Harris give the new immigrants so much money in government public aid. The amount of aid is greater than American citizens who are on public aid. That aid has caused a new inflation specific to Springfield.
- The residents of Springfield get angry being labeled “racists” when complaining about the influx of immigrants’ negative impact on Springfield. They point out they were well racially mixed before the influx and the black and Mexican population of Springfield have the same complaints.
- The people of Springfield resent the excuse of Haitians being imported to Springfield because they are unwilling to work. They said what this is really about is Biden and Harris bringing in Haitians to work for 50 cents on the dollar of what Americans work for.
The people of Springfield mentioned several Japanese owned companies that they feel are behind this.
“Japanese firms provide economic boost in Clark, Champaign Counties” – Springfield News Sun
You know there is something improper and illegal going on when people don’t want to talk about it. In different videos we saw people at the driver’s license facility not wanting to go on camera and answer questions, we also saw people dolling out the money to these new Haitian immigrants from government offices not wanting to be interviewed.
We saw one video of a Springfield police officer responding to an accident where a couple in a Haitian driven vehicle was rear-ended by another vehicle and the vehicle rear-ended had no license. The person taking the video was expecting the Haitian to be put into handcuffs and the unlicensed vehicle towed away but instead he was unexplainably let go!
One Springfield resident mentioned the Haitians are having a hard time adapting as they somehow have the money, without working, to just drive around town all day at 15 miles an hour. Another mentioned how many of the causes of accidents are due to their sudden lane changes without signaling. He questioned how they are getting Ohio Driver’s Licenses and think the fix in over there as well.
I have been saying this situation in these United States is going to get much worse if Democrats are not held to the same standards of law and order that Republicans are. I have said Democrats doing wrong need to suffer consequences. That is not happening. Because of this, America is rapidly approaching chaos and anarchy. This is the end goal of people like billionaire “philanthropist” George Soros. He makes money when nations fail. He is banned from many nations and has outstanding arrest warrants from others because of this.
“Springfield, Ohio Is Under A Migration Invasion. Is Your Town Next?” – Nick Johnson
I am very grateful for the podcasters who posted the videos included in this article. Before our mainstream mass media was compromised by the Democrats, this is the kind of news journalism we watched on our televisions at night. Now we still can but it is more difficult as video streaming platforms are so enormous with content. And by the way, for those who still think this is some kind of a joke, the content creators like Oliveira and Johnson had millions of views in several days. This continues to exhibit Americans have a hunger to know what is really going on!
Last week I wrote two articles related to the problem of the open borders of Kamala Harris. Please read these articles if you have not yet done so.
“Kamala Harris, Border Czar Fubar”
“The Great Replacement Theory is No Conspiracy”
My conclusion of this story is Biden and Harris are trying to stack the deck for Democrats in future elections while selling out the American people. One of the videos above a Springfield resident mentions the Cloward-Piven Strategy where takers outnumber makers in government handouts to the point where the entire system collapses. I have written about this before. Real American politicians, on both sides of the aisle would do well to bone up on this and put a stop to what Biden and Harris are doing.
One Springfield resident said he feels these Haitian people were flown into Columbus in the dead of night and then bussed out to Springfield and that should tell you all you need to know about Biden and Harris.
Donald Trump is not the joke here, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are, and that joke is on WE, THE PEOPLE!
Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau