The old adage “Here today, gone tomorrow,” seems very applicable to the recent past of vice president Kamala Harris as nameless, faceless, feckless, persons work overtime to do damage control erasing her past failures and shortcomings. Apparently, as Americans, we are supposed to forget her past and just go ahead and vote for her without any thought.
For example, this week the GovTrack website deleted her 2019 bio page where she was ranked as “THE MOST LIBERAL OF ALL 100 Senators”. This is beyond suspicious since they promote themselves as:
“ is a project of Civic Impulse, LLC, a completely independent entity which is wholly owned by its operator and receives no funding in any form from outside organizations. We have no financers, sponsors, investors, or partners, nor do we have any affiliation or relationship (financial or otherwise) with any political party, government agency, or any other outside group or persons.”
So now GovTrack has gone the same way as Snopes in that just as you cannot trust Snopes as a reliable fact checking site due to their lefty bias, you can no longer trust GovTrack to evaluate our elected officials.
Another humorous aside to the scrubbing of Kamala Harris’ past from the Internet is the liberal socialists love to label Donald Trump and his followers as “Nazis” with Trump as “Hitler himself”. Funny thing though about name calling though, if you want to tag somebody with such labels you should not be guilty of doing Nazi things like banning books yourself!
“Amazon DISAPPEARS Book About Kamala Harris! w/ Caleb Maupin” – The Jimmy Dore Show
In his book, “Kamala Harris and the Future of America”, author Caleb Maupin offers a scholarly overview of Harris in three essays. The book was removed from Amazon this past Monday despite being for sale there for the last 4 years. It had a review of 4.5 stars. Max Blumenthal was one of the first to highlight the apparent banning of Maupin’s book.
Did the White House just order Amazon to take down Caleb Maupin's book, "Kamala Harris and the Future of America"?
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) July 23, 2024
The Biden White House flooded Meta and other social media platforms with demands to censor accounts that questioned Fauci & The Science during the Covid event
Another aspect that is the most crucial to the makeover of vice president Kamala Harris is to remove any reference or connection of her with the calamity of our open southern border Biden and Harris created. I found this particularly offensive because the exact date president Joe Biden charged vice president Kamala Harris with responsibility for the border was the birthday of an important family member of mine, March 24, 2021 and there is video to prove it so I remembered!
“Democrats leak talking points on Kamala’s border czar role” – Fox News
This exposes the number one talking point on the Democrat’s new Kamala Harris talking points list as an outright lie:
“Vice President Harris was NEVER appointed ‘border czar’.”
I opened this article with one old adage and I will close with yet another. “You cannot run from your past.”
Elizabeth Nolan-Brown is one of many journalists making sure of that for Kamala Harris in an editorial this week in “Reason Magazine”.
“It’s Been Easy To Forget How Bad Kamala Harris Is: But I’m here to remind you.”
Meanwhile a recent article in The New York Post:
“Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms”
The three areas of what can only be termed “censorship” I offer in this article is Kamala Harris is, indeed, an authoritarian tyrant who needs to be exposed and thrown away on the trash heap of failed American politicians! She is an enemy to America. She has done more harm in the last 4 years than good and the harms she was a party to can only be determined to be intentional since no right thinking person would have ever imagined them otherwise.
We can start with the open border whereby Biden and Harris invited foreign invaders in when they reversed President Trump’s policies their first day in office and then proceeded to illegally aid and abet these new illegal aliens with government handouts on the taxpayer’s dime. And the ultimate end goal of these two enemies within is to change the demographics within to assure more future votes for the Democratic Party. That is the very definition of treason as they violated their oaths of office to protect and defend this country.
Estimates now hold that somewhere between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens have entered the country in the last 4 years and most of them have done so unvetted.
“But you know, you can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig.” – Barack Obama 2008/Dick Cheney 2004
Americans must not allow Harris and the mainstream media who serve as her lapdog the ability to rewrite her anti-American past. The most alarming point of this article is all of the three points I elude to in this article have all come to pass since Sunday when Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race last Sunday. Let that sink in.
“All of this Kamala coverage is ‘bizarre’: Ari Fleischer” – Fox News
It will be very interesting to see if Kamala Harris gets thrown under the same bus as Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. I got a gut feeling the fireworks of protestors outside the convention will be dwarfed by the fireworks of delegates inside. Kamala Harris is a wicked woman wrong for the Democratic Party and wrong for America!
Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau