Kathy Barnette For U.S. Senate Pennsylvania

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again
Kathy Barnette for U.S. Senate Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania First. America First.

Family is the Nucleus of Our Society.

Everything we do as legislators should be done from the perspective of how will it strengthen the family. If it doesn’t first strengthen the American family, then why would we consider it?

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What Kathy Stands For

Kathy Barnette is running for office because she has too. Good people have sat on the sidelines for far too long. As a result, we’ve created a vacuum that is being filled by some of the most despotic and debased individuals. Kathy believes America is the greatest country that has ever existed.

She is the greatest country that has ever existed because she was founded upon the greatest political document ever written – the U.S. Constitution.

Kathy stands for preserving the U.S. Constitution, recognizing that our country doesn’t exist apart from it.

Kathy is not a “parrot” Conservative. Meaning, she has not simply memorized some Conservative “talking points” and simply parrots it back to you. These past two years should have taught us a very important lesson about what type of leader we need to have fighting for us. Now more than ever, we need strong and authentic Republican voices standing up and defending the rights we hold dear. Kathy Barnette promises you that she will be that voice for the citizens of Pennsylvania and Our Great Nation.

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Health Care

McCarran-Ferguson Act – Is as relevant today as it was when it was adopted. It declares “that the continued regulation and taxation by the several States of the business of insurance is in the public interest, and that silence on the part of the Congress shall not be construed to impose any barrier to the regulation or taxation of such business by the several States.” It stated that from then on, “no Act of Congress shall be construed to invalidate, impair, or supersede any law enacted by any State for the purpose of regulating the business of insurance.”

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Article 4, Section 4 – Protecting our borders under the U.S. Constitution: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against Invasion…(to include invasion of drug cartels and uncontrolled ILLEGAL immigration)[1].

Border control is a question of sovereignty, but the open border policies of the Biden Administration and Democrat controlled Congress are dangerous and counterproductive. The Administration is refusing to enforce our laws and openly proclaiming to the world that we will not seek to keep caravans out of the United States or remove unlawfully present people. This encourages desperate people to entrust their lives to traffickers and to risk travel across some of the most inhospitable territory in the world. Despite the claim these policies are about helping poor people, they are anything but “compassionate.”

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Medical Freedom

As your U.S. Senator, I will vociferously defend your Medical Freedom.

  1. Medical Freedom means “patient autonomy.” I, the individual, get to decide what treatments I will subject my body to. 
  2. Medical Freedom also means the freedom to discuss ideas and differing views. Who are we, if not slaves, if we can no longer even question what happens to our own bodies? We are at a very dangerous time in America’s history when those on one side of the argument gets to be the sole arbitrator of truth. 

In America, for now, we still have the right to question the “experts.” In fact, asking questions is central to “good” science. 

The scientific method:

  1. Ask a question
  2. Discuss what is observed
  3. Test hypothesis
  4. Look for trends

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Parental Choice

What I Believe:

1. I believe in parental choice.
2. I believe as parents we love our children more than Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi, combined. As such, I believe that if given the best available information parents will make the best decision for their family.
3. I believe in parental consent BEFORE a child is vaccinated.
4. I believe there should be absolutely no vaccine mandates, specifically among those 18 and younger.
5. I believe there is no logical reason to jab perfectly healthy children with an experimental vaccine we do not know the long-term developmental and reproductive impact it will have on our children.
6. I believe Americans should have the same or more rights than unlawfully present aliens who are being resettled throughout the nation unvaccinated, untested, and unverified.
7. I believe categorizing vociferous dissent as “domestic terrorism” is wrong and removes legitimate parental concerns from the realm of civic debate.
8. I believe parents have the right to see all books and materials used in classes taken by their children.
9. I believe in school choice.
10. I believe we can do better than this Administration.

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Creating an ECONOMY that creates JOBS!

I want to create an economy where corporations don’t have to leave our country to flee our onerous tax system. Instead, they can keep their money and investments here and provide jobs in America.

I want to create an economy where the Middle-Class is not squeezed under the pressures of taxes, instability, inflation, mandates, and regulations.

I want to create an economy where those who find themselves below the bottom rung of the economic ladder, as I once was, have the ability to claw themselves from underneath that rock and carve out a life for themselves.

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About Kathy Barnette

Appearing regularly on National TV & Radio, Kathy Barnette’s first book “Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America” explains why liberal policies have failed the black community time and time again – and will fail the larger American community as Democrats rush to the hard Left of the party.

She is a veteran, a former adjunct Professor of Corporate Finance, a sought-after conference speaker, as well as a Conservative political commentator.  Kathy has decided to take on Washington, D.C., and is running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.

She served her country proudly for 10 years in the Armed Forces Reserves, where she was accepted into Officer Candidacy School. Her corporate career includes working with two major financial firms and in corporate America. Kathy sat on the Board of a pregnancy crisis center for 5 years.

Perhaps her most cherished opportunity, to date, besides being a wife, is the ability to homeschool her two children. She just finished her 6th year of homeschooling.

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Six Questions about Kathy Barnette

1.  The name of her hometown:

Kathy grew up in Repton, Alabama.

2. Where was she an adjunct professor?

Kathy was an adjunct professor at Judson University in Illinois .  

3. When was she in officer candidate school?

Kathy was accepted into Officer Candidate School.  She went through the rigorous process of applying, being vetted and interviewed.  She was accepted, but she did not finish the program because she got married.  Kathy has never claimed to have graduated from Officer Candidate School.

4. What financial institutions did she work at?

Kathy spent time working at A.G. Edwards & Sons and Bank of America Capital Asset Management after graduating from Troy State University.

5. When did she move from Virginia to Pennsylvania? 

Kathy never lived in Virginia.  The statement from her book, Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America,  was an unfortunate typo that was caught after the book was sent to print. Kathy and her family have lived in Pennsylvania for over 9 years. 

6. Did she graduate from Troy State University?

Yes. Kathy graduated with her B.S. degree in Finance.  She also graduated with an MBA from Fontbonne University.

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Military Service

Kathy proudly served her country in the military from 1990 to 2000.  She has an Honorable Discharge from service in the Army Reserves and the National Guard. (See Documents on Kathy Barnette For Senate Website)

Kathy Barnette has NEVER Supported BLM Inc. or their calls to Defund the Police

 Kathy Barnette has been vocal about her views against BLM Inc. and their calls to defund the police.  She has never wavered in her position on these issues.  The article, “Does Kathy Barnette Really Support BLM & Defunding the Police?” by Michelle Edwards addresses the vicious and intentional smear campaign that has been launched against Kathy that falsely accuses her of supporting BLM Inc.

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The Emancipation Statue in Washington, D.C. and a Change.org petition

In the summer of 2020, the Left was calling for the removal of statues across our nation.

One of the statues they targeted was the Emancipation Memorial Statue. The statue portrays President Lincoln standing above a former slave as he begins to rise from a kneeling position.

Here are a few of the headlines from that time:

TRUMP STEPS IN Trump deploys National Guard to protect Lincoln emancipation statue in DC targeted by Black Lives Matter activists

Trump urges Congress to take action at ‘lowlifes who burn the American flag’ as protesters in D.C. vow to tear down Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation memorial and barriers are put up around Andrew Jackson’s statue

Rally at Emancipation Monument calls for removal of statue, engaging in conversations on race

It was at this time that Kathy Barnette took a stand to save the Emancipation Statue.  In a petition that she launched on Change.org, she wrote,

“There is an effort to remove [the statue] because many people feel that it depicts the freed slave in a perpetual subservient position. This is a concern that should be addressed, however, tearing down what represents our past is not the answer for our nation’s future. Instead, the best way to heal our nation is to continue to tell its story. This is why we’re proposing new markers and monuments that display America’s evolution as it continues down that path of becoming a more perfect union.”

Kathy proposed the erection of two new statues to serve as powerful visuals to all, of the progress that has been made in our country. 

1. She proposed a statue of America’s first black president be built near the Emancipation Statue and placed in such a way that the former slave, rising from kneeling, is looking toward the first black president, Barack Obama, standing with his family.  It would serve as a powerful visual to all of how far our country has progressed in racial relations.

2. She also proposed a statue of Frederick Douglas, one of the most prominent leaders of the Abolitionist Movement. 

You can read the petition in its entirety HERE.

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