Biden Regime

The Biden Regime on includes information, news and more about what the Biden-Harris Administration has done and is doing.

Supreme Court’s Barrett Denies Emergency Filing to Block Biden Student Loan Plan

U.S. Supreme Court denied emergency filing to block Biden’s student loan debt plan, marking 2nd such time Barrett has rejected bid to block Biden’s plan.

Critics Denounce Biden’s New $13 Billion Energy Cost-Reduction Handout as Election ‘Gimmick’

Biden admin to provide $13 billion in aid to households to lower energy costs is an “election year gimmick”. Real fix would be to boost domestic energy production.
Biden White House on Twitter

White House forced to DELETE fact-checked tweet claiming Biden gave U.S. seniors biggest boost...

White House was forced to delete tweet that claimed Biden was responsible for seniors getting the biggest increase in Social Security checks in a decade.

Diesel Shortage Testing Biden’s Take on ‘America First’: Industry Insider

How the Biden admin addresses the shortage of distillate fuel oil in the U.S. will show if President Joe Biden will put America first, said an industry insider.

Biden Tells Voters to Choose Democrats Because Republicans Will ‘Crash the Economy’ on Purpose

Biden delivered “closing arguments” to voters ahead of midterms, claiming Republicans would “crash the economy” to get him to cut Social Security and Medicare.

White House Says Unprecedented Illegal Immigration Driven by People Fleeing ‘Falling Regimes’

The unprecedented level of illegal immigration at the U.S.–Mexico border largely stems from people fleeing regimes in three countries, the White House said Oct. 24.
Presidential Forum with Joe Biden

Biden backs ‘gender-affirming’ healthcare and slams GOP trying to ban sex changes for children...

In interview with transgender TikTok star, Biden says states shouldn't have power to regulate health care related to persons transition from one sex to another.
U.S. Department of State

US Taxpayers Funding ‘Drag Theater’ Shows in Ecuador to Promote ‘Diversity and Inclusion’: State...

U.S. State Dept gave $20,600 in taxpayer money to an organization in Ecuador to promote tolerance, diversity, and inclusion including hosting “12 drag theater performances.”
Anthony Blinken U.S.-Mexico Presser

Talk of an EU-Style Governance of the Americas Raises Red Flags With Congressman

Mexico’s president said he has been discussing with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken the possibility of merging the American continent into an EU-style of governance.

Pentagon’s Priorities: Destroy U.S. Military Readiness, Weaken National Security, And Assist With Murdering Babies.

Pentagon to implement policy ensuring service members’ travel and lodging expenses, and time off, for abortions if they reside in states limiting or banning procedure.
Pumping Gas in Alachua, Florida

White House Signals ‘Significant’ Drawdowns From Strategic Reserve Beyond 180 Million Oil Barrels

WH signaled “additional significant” drawdowns from U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve beyond 180 million barrels. But drawdowns “failed to control oil prices.”
Supreme Court in Washington

Emergency Petition Asks Supreme Court to Block Biden’s Student Loan Program

Group of Wisconsin taxpayers filed petition with U.S. Supreme Court to put an end to the student loan forgiveness plan announced by President Joe Biden in August.