Biden Regime

The Biden Regime on includes information, news and more about what the Biden-Harris Administration has done and is doing.

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Bank of America Raises Odds of Recession to 40 Percent

Bank of America changed forecast for likelihood of U.S. economic downturn, predicting 40% chance America’s economy will tip into recession in 2023.

Unprecedented Dishonor: UK Holds Biden in Contempt for ‘Shameful’ and ‘Catastrophic’ Afghanistan Withdrawal

President Biden’s mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal may yet prove to be the defining stretch of his administration. The Taliban’s swift takeover of the country...

DHS Terminates Disinformation Governance Board, Months After ‘Pause’

DHS ended Disinformation Governance Board, amid concern that it weaponized against dissenting voices and become a tool for gov censorship.

The Emerging Artistry of Hunter Biden

His upcoming solo show is a headache for the White House—and a window into the murky finances of the international art market. At some point in...

A Symphony of Crickets

It was a symphony of crickets throughout the media after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Missouri v. Biden regarding collusion against free speech.

Scalise, Brady Hold Tax Camp For GOP Members To Fight Biden’s Disastrous Tax Hike...

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) joined Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-Texas), Rep. Carol Miller (R-W. Va.),...

A Cabinency of Dunces

As nation sinks into self-created crisis's debate rages whether Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or feels country’s mess is his success.
Biden Regime White House

Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports

Amid Inauguration Day talk of shattered glass ceilings, on Wednesday President Biden delivered a body blow to the rights of women and girls: the...
IRS Check

Biden Admin Fires Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul, Who Says He Won’t Leave

President Joe Biden on Friday fired Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul, according to the former commissioner, who said he won’t leave his post and will...

US Bans American Investment in Chinese AI Company Over Human Rights Concerns

The United States on Dec. 10 put a ban on American investment in Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) firm SenseTime over concerns it’s aiding the...

A Year after Inauguration, Biden Faces a More Critical and Pessimistic Public

Americans’ confidence in President Biden’s leadership has waned over his first year in office as more people feel the country is headed in the...

Biden Administration Gives Trump Tax Returns to House Democrats

President Joe Biden’s administration has handed over years of former President Donald Trump’s federal tax returns to the U.S. House of Representatives.