Biden Regime

The Biden Regime on includes information, news and more about what the Biden-Harris Administration has done and is doing.

FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Claims He’s Not for Gun Confiscation calls Auto worker full...

Colion Noir: What your about to watch is Joe Biden get into a heated exchange with a Detroit Auto worker about his stance on...
Nancy Pelosi Press Conference on 1.85 Trillion Budget Bill

House Passes $1.85 Trillion Budget Bill, Sending It to the Senate

The House voted 220–213 to pass Democrats’ $1.85 trillion Build Back Better Budget bill on Friday, sending the bill to the Senate after months of delays and...

Secretary Cardona Must Resign Immediately

President Biden’s Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has been implicated in efforts by the administration to vilify concerned parents speaking out against their local...
Socialism Always Fails

Pentagon’s National Defense University to Host Lecture on the Case for Democratic Socialism

The Department of Defense’s National Defense University (NDU), the premier education institution for military and defense civilian leaders, is planning to host a lecture...

Biden’s Epic failures

In the two months since signing the $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law, President Biden has by almost every measure bombed big time on...
Anthony Blinken U.S.-Mexico Presser

Talk of an EU-Style Governance of the Americas Raises Red Flags With Congressman

Mexico’s president said he has been discussing with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken the possibility of merging the American continent into an EU-style of governance.

Is Biden’s Involvement in the Liberal World Order Destroying America?

Brian Deese, former global head of “sustainable investing” at Blackrock and Biden advisor, and Joe Biden speak about the Liberal World Order.
Biden Confronted On Gun Policies During Auto Plant Visit

Biden to make ‘big, bold changes’ to guns through executive action, aide says

Gun policy in America will face “big, bold changes” if Biden is inaugurated in January, according to presumptive president-elect’s top aides.

WARNING—Graphic Footage Shows The State of America Under Biden

Tucker Carlson, calls out lawmakers and media for focusing on January 6 committee while ignoring record-high inflation impacting Americans.
Biden-Harris Ticket

Video Playlist: Biden-Harris Campaign and Administration

Video playlist related to the Biden-Harris campaign for the presidency and vice presidency of the U.S. and their administration following their taking over of...

ExxonMobil Fires Back at Biden After Letter Warning Use of Emergency Powers

ExxonMobil fired at Biden’s letter calling on U.S. energy producers to bring “near-term solutions” to address gas prices and inflation.

Taliban Made Biden an Offer He Refused Which Could Have Avoided Debacle in Kabul

One of the things that certainly has been surprising about the Afghanistan debacle has been that some in media seem to have woken up...