China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

Evergrande Default Could Rock China’s Entire Economy

China’s public debt already stands at 270 percent of GDP, and non-performing loans have hit $466.9 billion. In addition to existing economic challenges, real estate giant Evergrande...

Breakdown: Send CHINA The Bill! And Another DEEP STATE Stooge GONE

Mike Huckabee on BREAKDOWN says, "Let's tally up the astronomical financial hit we are taking and subtract it from the amount of U.S. debt...

Chinese People Take Rescues Into Their Own Hands After 2 Massive Earthquakes, 2,750 Tremors

China had two intense earthquakes in the past two days, with at least 2,754 foreshocks and aftershocks affecting areas across western China. Many residents in...

Biden stands up for China

Joe Biden stands up for China and has done so before and during the coronavirus, dismissing China as an economic threat, and opposing President...

US Dismantles CCP Malware That Threatened ‘Physical Safety’ of Americans

Select Committee on CCP heard about malware which intelligence leaders said focused on oil, gas, water, internet, energy, and transportation infrastructure.
‘Axis of evil’: China, Russia, Iran putting global security ‘at stake’

China’s Second-Tier ‘Axis of Evasion’

Communist China's “axis of evil” composed of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and Burma is terrorizing citizens and those of neighboring countries.

Fallout From John Cena’s Apology Is Chance to Turn Tide on Hollywood’s Kowtow to...

Hollywood executive Chris Fenton said John Cena’s controversial apology to China after he called Taiwan a country during a promotional interview for “Fast & Furious 9” alienated...

Don’t Be Duped by China’s Changing COVID-19 Policies

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) promotes inaccurate propaganda to serve the sole purpose of furthering its own agenda, never to inform the public.

Chinese State-Run News Agency Xinhua Registers as Foreign Agent in US

Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua has registered as a foreign agent under U.S. law, more than two years after the Justice Department (DOJ) reportedly ordered it to...

China’s Digital Yuan Will Not Topple the Dollar, SEC Official Says

LONDON—China’s planned digital yuan will not dethrone the dollar, a top Securities and Exchange Commission official said on Thursday, citing the growth of so-called stablecoins backed by the greenback. The...
Using Zoom during Coronavirus

Zoom Employs Chinese Communist Party, Huawei Techies

Zoom – the widely-used video conferencing platform long-suspected to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party – employs a host of individuals linked to...

Cyberattacks From China

For years, cyberattacks have been a huge headache for the United States and its allies. Now for the first time, they’re formally calling out one of...