China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

Steve Bannon's War Room

How Biden Regime is Compromised by the CCP

War Room explains how deep the CCP ties go in the compromised Biden regime, and Frank Gaffney warns of the dangers of Biden opening...
The Trump White House

President Trumps Letter to the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate...

Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et...
Chinese Flag

CCP Tightens Exit Controls Amid Sharp Increase in Citizens Fleeing China

CCP tightened control over Chinese citizens’ overseas travel to save face as many citizens flee, in contrast to CCP’s claim of “confidence” in its system.

Evergrande Default Could Rock China’s Entire Economy

China’s public debt already stands at 270 percent of GDP, and non-performing loans have hit $466.9 billion. In addition to existing economic challenges, real estate giant Evergrande...

China Has More ICBM Launchers Than U.S., American Military Reports

While the U.S. leads in intercontinental missiles and warheads, China’s gains are fueling debate in Congress The U.S. military has notified Congress that China now...

American Corporations Will Have to Take a Stand on China, Expert Says

American corporations will sooner or later have to take a stand on the Chinese regime’s repressive practices, said Clyde Prestowitz, author of “The World...

The Mask is Finally Off – President Donald J. Trump on China

For years, our politicians and business leaders engaged China under the misguided belief it would lead it to embrace peace and freedom. Instead, the Chinese...
The Trump White House

President Trump’s Letter and Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok

Text of a Letter to the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok Dear Madam Speaker:...

China continues coal spree despite climate goals

China is approving coal power projects at equivalent of 2 plants a week, a rate energy watchdogs say is unsustainable for country to achieve its energy targets.
Sequoia Capital and the People's Republic of China (PRC)

Gallagher, Krishnamoorthi Probe Sequoia’s PRC High-Tech Investments, Examine Implications of Announced Split

Select Committee on CCP expanded investigation into U.S. venture capital firms investing in PRC high-tech with inquiry into Sequoia Capital and Sequoia Capital China.

China closing Christian churches in Easter crackdown

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he is 'appalled' at the ongoing persecution of Christians. One of the countries clamping down is China. Churches...
Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning carries out drill with J-15 jets on board

US, 5 Eyes Partners Issue Fresh Warnings About China Recruiting Former Western Military Pilots

Bulletin states Chinese People’s Liberation Army is actively using private companies in South Africa and China to recruit former Western military officials,