China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

Business Insider Chinese Version

Business Insider Had Launched China Partnership With Tencent in 2014

According to The National Pulse: Tencent has been described by the State Department’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation as a “tool of the Chinese...

The USA Must Designate the CCP as a Transnational Criminal Organization (TCO)

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has gotten away with murder and many other crimes against its own citizens, in the United States and across...
Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Parade

‘Time to Break the Silence’: Medical Community Urged to Stand Against China’s Ongoing Murder...

Lack of media coverage, institutional silence, self-censorship, and fear of Beijing’s retribution are among the reasons that many people, including those in the medical...
Virus Warfare in China Files

Chinese Military Scientists Discussed Man-Made Coronavirus Attack Years Before COVID-19 Pandemic

Chinese military scientists in 2015 detailed a plot to unleash a bioengineered SARS coronavirus to cause mass terror and advance the communist regime’s global political ambitions. These newly...
Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital

China’s Digital Yuan, Biggest Threat to the West, Is Overshadowed by Russian War, Kyle...

Russia’s war in Ukraine is obscuring one very alarming threat posed by the Chinese regime: its system of paperless money, warned hedge fund manager...
UNRESTRICTED WARFARE: The CCP’s ‘People’s War’ Against America

Webinar | UNRESTRICTED WARFARE: The CCP’s ‘People’s War’ Against America

In May 2019, the CCP’s principal propaganda outlet declared a “People’s War” against the U.S. – a fact that is unknown by most Americans.
Committee on the Present Danger China

Biden Team Signals CCP’s “Genocide” Is in the Past, Confirming It Will Submit to...

WASHINGTON, D.C.— State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters yesterday in a press briefing that “in his confirmation hearings,” the “Secretary has made clear...

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY—The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America

How dangerous are Beijing’s tactics in Afghanistan, Russia-Ukraine war, and Taiwan Strait? What is CCP’s strategy toward the U.S.? Why promote “World War III”?
U.S. Department of State

Five Years of Injustice Following China’s 709 Crackdown

U.S. urges PRC to honor its international human rights obligations and commitments and domestic legal guarantees protecting human rights and freedoms in China.
China’s Dream, The World’s Nightmare

China’s Dream, The World’s Nightmare: How the Chinese Communist Party is Colonizing and Enslaving the...

First Report on CCP’s Belt and Road Initiative The First Annual Status Report on the Belt and Road Initiative by The Captive Nations Coalition of The...
CCP’s Disinformation War

‘Mind Dominance’: The CCP’s Disinformation War on US Social Media

The CCP, which rules China as a single-party state, is increasingly manipulating what Americans see and believe by sowing discord and rancor on social media.
Robert Spalding on “American Thought Leaders.”

3 Ways the CCP Uses Your Phone

Your cell phone may be a spy in your pocket, sending personal information to CCP which feeds disinformation back through TikTok and other social media apps.