China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

‘China Press’ Has Deep Ties to the CCP but Isn’t Registered as a Foreign Agent

‘China Press’ Has Deep Ties to the CCP but Isn’t Registered as a Foreign...

After bloodshed at Tiananmen Square, official Chinese media suffered backlash in America so Beijing burned to find alternative avenues to broadcast its narrative.
Mark Mobius cautions about investing in China on Fox News

Billionaire Investor Warns to Be ‘Very Careful Investing in China’ Amid Capital Crackdown Fears

Billionaire investor is urging caution about investing in China, warning he's been prevented from accessing his money because of Beijing’s strict capital controls.

CCP Mouthpiece Says Beijing Needs More Nuclear Weapons After Trade Talks

China’s hawkish state-run media Global Times said Beijing should increase its build-up of nuclear weapons after recent Sino-U.S. trade talks. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Chinese...
The Clean Network

The Clean Network

We call on all freedom-loving nations and companies to join the Clean Network.~ MICHAEL R. POMPEOSECRETARY OF STATE The Clean Network program is the Trump...

Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

After receiving her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Li Jun’s 4-year-old developed a fever and coughs, which quickly subsided after intravenous therapy at...
The Permanent Coup by Lee Smith

The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President

The Permanent Coup reveals the origins of the anti-Trump operation and exposes corruption at the highest levels of the Democratic party-including Biden and Obama.
Chinese Man with Chinese Flag

The Ramifications of China’s Updated ‘Negative List’

Beijing is tightening the screws over more industries, including news media and cryptocurrency mining, in a bid for further control of China’s economy. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) updated its...

Economist Explains Why China’s Economic Figures Can’t Be Trusted

In China, there are two “different sets of books” depicting the state of the country’s economy. One set conforms to the official line promulgated...
Boris Epshteyn on War Room

China Is Our Toughest Adversary America Has Faced

Boris Epshteyn, special assistant to President Trump, talks about the ever-increasing threat China represents to the United States. Epshteyn has a current op-ed in...

China’s Digital Yuan Will Not Topple the Dollar, SEC Official Says

LONDON—China’s planned digital yuan will not dethrone the dollar, a top Securities and Exchange Commission official said on Thursday, citing the growth of so-called stablecoins backed by the greenback. The...

China Holds Assault Drills Near Southern Taiwan

China carried out assault drills near Taiwan on Aug. 17, with fighter jets, anti-submarine aircraft, and combat ships exercising to the southwest and southeast of the island,...
USA Betrayed: The China Model

Webinar | USA BETRAYED: The China Model: Imposing in America the CCP’s Toxic Pandemic...

“USA Betrayed” examines those who helped impose the China Model in the U.S., how they did it and helped advance CCP’s takedown of the U.S..