China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

Gen. Robert Spalding on China: US China Trade Deal, Taiwan Election and the Huawei...

In this episode, we'll sit down with Robert Spalding, who previously served as Chief China strategist for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of...
Signing of phase one of China trade deal

Trump on China deal: ‘Negotiations were tough, honest and respectful’

President Trump announces the "momentous" step the U.S. has taken with China by thanking President Xi, and saying he'll be going over to China...

China’s Silent Takeover While America’s Elite Slept

Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding's full interview with Patrick Bet-David of Valuetainment about his book Stealth War: How China Took Over While America's Elite...

The Threat of 5G and China

Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding, former China strategist for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff at the Pentagon and...

Chinese Communist Party’s Brainwashing Camps

Leaked documents have revealed new details around the detention and ill treatment of Uighur Muslims in China. Classified documents appear to confirm the testimony...

Voters push back against China with pro-democracy election in Hong Kong

Hudson Institute senior fellow and Center for Chinese Strategy director Michael Pillsbury weighs in on pro-democracy election in Hong Kong and China trade.

Investigation: Why is China on the move in the South Pacific?

A special 60 Minutes Australia investigation revealing China's soft invasion of the south pacific, Australia’s island neighbors. There is trouble in paradise. Nations in...
China's Playbook


" playbook is simple. ...Rob the American company of itsintellectual property, replicate the technology, and replace the American companyin the Chinese marketand, one day,in...
Trump vs. China: Facing America's Greatest Threat

Trump vs. China: Facing America’s Greatest Threat

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich sounds the warning bell that communist-ruled China poses the biggest threat to the United States that we...
Stealth War by Robert Spalding

Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept

China expert Robert Spalding reveals the shocking success China has had infiltrating American institutions and compromising our national security. The media often suggest that Russia...
Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy

Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China’s Drive for Global Supremacy

The United States' approach to China since the Communist regime in Beijing began the period of reform and opening in the 1980s was based...

Larry Kudlow Talks US Economics and Fallout from Trade with China

Dana Perino hosts Fox News Sunday with guest Larry Kudlow, White House Economic Adviser, who discusses the success of the...