China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

Richard Gere talks tough on China’s Xi Jinping

U.S. actor Richard Gere is internationally known for his film roles, but he has also been a longtime advocate for Tibetan freedom and a...
Crouching Tiger By Peter Navarro

Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World

Will there be war with China? Crouching Tiger: What China's Militarism Means for the World provides the most complete and accurate assessment of the...
Journeyman Pictures

Video Playlist: China: The World’s Next Superpower?

In China: The World's Next Superpower? Journeyman Pictures takes us inside the borders of the world's next superpower, China discussing the torture of its...

China is angling to replace the United States as a global superpower

In the bestselling but controversial new book "The Hundred-Year Marathon," author and former Pentagon official Michael Pillsbury argues that China is angling to replace...

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

Hudson Institute hosted a discussion with Dr. Michael Pillsbury, director of Hudson’s Center on Chinese Strategy, Representative J. Randy Forbes, Chairman of the Congressional...
Hundred-Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

“The Hundred-Year Marathon is based on work that Michael Pillsbury did for the CIA. The book alerts us to China’s long-term strategy of achieving dominance.
Bowing to Beijing by Decker and Triplett

Bowing to Beijing: How Barack Obama is Hastening America’s Decline and Ushering A Century...

While the Obama administration is mired in big-government “solutions” to “threats” such as global warming, unregulated businesses, and free-market healthcare, Obama officials have ignored...

Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action

The world's most populous nation and soon-to-be largest economy is rapidly turning into the planet's most efficient assassin. Unscrupulous Chinese entrepreneurs are flooding world...
China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC)

The Delegation of Old Generals of CAIFC Pays Visit to U.S. to Participate in...

Why would Chinese Communist Party Old Generals and U.S. Senior Retired Generals participate in an exchange organized by the Chinese Communist Party's, China Association...

The Coming Collapse of China

China is hot. The world sees a glorious future for this sleeping giant, three times larger than the United States, predicting it will blossom...