China CCP

China CCP on includes information and news about the Chinese Communist Party and its influence on China and the world.

Chinas Ministry of State Security

‘Under Attack’: US Needs Tougher Actions to Combat Chinese Hacking, Experts Say

The coordinated effort by the United States and allies to call out the Chinese regime for its global cyber hacking campaign was a welcome...

Republican Lawmakers Seek to Crack Down on Beijing’s ‘Trojan Horse’ Activities in US Universities

Republican congressman and colleagues hoping to crack down on Chinese Communist Party’s “trojan horse” activities in U.S. universities.

US Air Force Needs Robotic Wingmen in Fight Against Communist China: Report

U.S. Air Force needs to pair its manned combat aircraft with next-generation collaborative combat aircraft drones to gain air superiority in war against CCP.

Over Half Million Chinese People Applied for Refuge Overseas Over 9 Years

Over 600,000 Chinese citizens applied to another country for asylum from 2012 to 2020, with annual applicants increasing seven times in the past nine...
Chinese and Ukraine Flags

Chinese Regime Changes Tune on Ukraine War Under Pressure of Sanctions: Experts

While the United States and the European Union continue to increase sanctions on Russia, the Chinese communist regime’s state media has recently changed its tone on the...
China: Stop Murdering for Organs

100-Strong Coalition Presses UN to Establish International Criminal Tribunal for CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting

Coalition of lawmakers, doctors, academics, and civil groups are calling UN to establish criminal tribunal to investigate crime of forced organ harvesting in China.
World Trade Organization and China

2 Decades After Joining WTO, China ‘Remains Woefully Short’ of Meeting Pledges: Report

Should China have been admitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001? “Knowing now the behavior that China has exhibited as a member of...

Harvard Professor Charles Lieber Convicted of Lying About China Ties

A Harvard University professor was found guilty by a U.S. jury on Dec. 21 of lying to authorities about his ties to the Thousand Talents Plan,...
Peter Embarek, lead researcher for WHO

WHO Whitewash: Investigators BACK Beijing’s claim Covid did NOT leak from a Wuhan lab...

WHO experts have rubbished theory Covid leaked from a lab as fact-finding mission to China concludesDr Embarek, who led the probe, said theory is...

IN-DEPTH: Beijing’s China Visit a ‘Great Propaganda Coup’ for CCP, Analysts Say

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to China gave Beijing the perfect opportunity to stage a propaganda coup while bringing little benefit to the U.S..

The Coming Collapse of China

China is hot. The world sees a glorious future for this sleeping giant, three times larger than the United States, predicting it will blossom...
The Trump White House

Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military...

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency...