Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Pennsylvania Mail-In-Ballot

Questions Linger About Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election Results and GOP Response

The certified 2020 election results in Pennsylvania show Joe Biden won with 80,555 more votes than Donald Trump. But when then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar certified the vote...
Mail-in Ballot

Arizona audit flags thousands of suspect ballots, kicking issue to state’s attorney general

As Attorney General Mark Brnovich vows full probe, Democrats cheer findings while a key Trump lawyer calls for decertifying Arizona's election results. Long-awaited and engulfed...
David Clements War Room

Clements Responds To Reuters Hit Piece Highlighting His Valiant Efforts To Secure Election Integrity

David Clements talks to host Steve Bannon about the Reuters “hit piece” that came after him for his role in exposing election fraud in the 2020 election.

1,634 Non-Citizens Under Investigation for Attempting to Register to Vote in Georgia

Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has referred 1,634 cases of non-citizens attempting to register to vote for investigation and potential prosecution. Attempting to register...
Maricopa County Arizona Election Audit

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Hopeful for Audit After Touring Arizona Election Review

A delegation from Pennsylvania will try to convince legislative leaders in the state to back an audit of the 2020 election after visiting an election review...

Barr authorizes DOJ prosecutors to investigate election irregularities

ttorney General William Barr has issued a memo in which he said that he authorized federal prosecutors "to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of...
2024 Election Buttons

2024: How to Out-Compute the Left

In 2024 Republicans cannot “out-fraud” the left . . . but in 2024 Republicans sure as hell can out-compute the left — and that may just do it.
Maricopa County Arizona Election Audit

Arizona Elections Chief Alleges Problems in Maricopa County Audit of 2020 Election

Arizona’s top elections officer Katie Hobbs on Wednesday alleged multiple points of concern regarding the forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election currently underway in Maricopa...

New Evidence Reveals Georgia Audit Fraud and Massive Errors

Evidence from public records show Fulton County’s hand count audit of Nov 3rd 2020 election was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.
Wisconsin Absentee Ballot Drop Box

Wisconsin Clerks Make 10 New Voter Fraud Referrals for 2020 Election

Municipal clerks in Wisconsin made 22 voter fraud referrals to local district attorneys related to 2020 general election over past two years.

Texas Audit Finds Over 11,000 Potential Non Citizens Registered to Vote, Other Problems

First phase of audit praised by Secretary of State but criticized by some lawmakers who argue its not enough Voting irregularities—including potentially thousands of votes...

Landmark Lawsuit Filed Against Arizona Officials Over 2022 Election

Yesterday, February 7, of 2024 the America First Legal Foundation filed a landmark lawsuit against Maricopa County, Arizona Officials for knowingly violating State Election...