Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

IN-DEPTH: Will the 2024 Election Be Secure? Presidential Candidates Weigh In on the Issue

Ballot harvesting, stuffing ballot boxes, tampering with voting equipment, stealing ballots and censoring candidates were concerns raised after of 2020 election.
Candidate Kari Lake’s challenge of the 2022 general election

Day One of Kari Lake Election Contest Trial Sees Testimony from Maricopa County Recorder...

The first of two days of oral arguments from Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake’s challenge of the 2022 general election outcome began.
Arizona Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake

Kari Lake Asking Republican National Committee to Help Pay Her Legal Fees

Kari Lake asking Republican National Committee (RNC) to pay for her bills after she filed several election lawsuits challenging the state’s results.
Kari Lake on Arizona Supreme Court Win

Kari Lake scores win as Arizona Supreme Court sends part of her lawsuit back...

Arizona Supreme Court sent piece of Kari Lake's election lawsuit back to trial court to examine whether Maricopa County followed signature verification policies

Testimony to Arizona Senate Election Committee Reveals Almost Half the Ballots Ran Through Maricopa...

Arizona Senate Election Committee held hearing featuring results of investigation into Maricopa County’s 2022 midterm election conducted by We the People AZ.

California Election Information

Craig Huey's non-partisan 2022 California Voter Guide will help cut through rhetoric, election propaganda, and biased campaign media coverage.
Susan Wright For U.S. Congress

Trump Says Endorsement Led to Shutout of Democrats in House Race

Former President Donald Trump claimed victory after his endorsement of a leading GOP candidate shut out Democrats from a congressional special election in Texas. Republicans Susan Wright, the wife of the...

Blunt Election Comments From Angry Maricopa Residents During Board of Supervisors Meeting

Republican voters frustrated with Maricopa County’s handling of midterm election blasted county’s board of supervisors on Nov. 16 and called for a new election.

Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome

Survey by Rasmussen Reports finds 55% of Likely Arizona Voters believe it is likely that problems with the 2022 election in Maricopa County affected the outcome.

Democrats Face Turmoil As Concerns Mount About Biden’s Suitability to Run in 2024, Observers...

Widely-expected losses the Democratic Party faces in midterm elections leave party with no clear way forward for 2024 presidential election.

Arizona Regime Is Investigating Kari Lake And Trying To JAIL Her On Felony Charges...

Newly selected regime heading up Arizona’s top statewide offices is targeting Kari Lake with felony charges for speaking out against rigged election in Arizona.
Arizona Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake

Arizona Supreme Court Responds to Kari Lake’s Second Election Petition

AZ Supreme Court struck down Kari Lake’s second request to take up her election appeal and she believes her case will be eventually heard by the Supreme Court.