Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Dominion Voting

Dominion Election Machine Results 2022

Producing correlations 2 elections in a row should make public understand there may be something going wrong, and it's appropriate to push for transparency.

Bombshell Arizona report: Election Day problems in Maricopa far wider than county admitting

Widespread equipment failures, hours-long lines were "voter suppression" that "would necessarily impact the vote tallies for Republican candidates much more than the vote tallies...
New York Citizens Audit Logo

New Yorkers Demand Answers After Uncovering Hidden Anomalies in Voter Database

NYCA leaped from being a volunteer organization advocating for election integrity, to having their findings validated in a peer-reviewed article published in JIW.
Electronic Registration Information Center

Pennsylvania State Senators Consider Leaving ERIC

Other states have left the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) voter roll service, and now some Pennsylvania senators are thinking about leaving too.
Dinesh D'Souza's Film 2000 Mules

Election Watchdog Group Settles Drop Box Lawsuit in Arizona

The voter drop box lawsuit between League of Women Voters of Arizona and Melody Jennings, of Clean Elections USA, concluded a confidential settlement agreement.
Engelbrecht and Phillip of True The Vote

Election Software Firm Drops Case Against True the Vote

Konnech, an election software company, dropped its defamation and unlawful access to information case against election integrity group True the Vote.

Wisconsin Conservatives Cite ‘Election Bribery’ in State Supreme Court Defeat

In Wisconsin Supreme Court elections there was an online left-wing get-out-the-vote project drumming up votes for the progressive candidate in exchange for gift cards.

IN-DEPTH: Absentee Voting From Abroad Presents Myriad of Fraud Vulnerabilities in US Elections

Preliminary election results announced after an election include caveat that officials still need to count overseas military ballots before finalizing results.

Leonardo DiCaprio Says CCP-Linked Financier Planned to Donate $30 Million to Obama’s 2012 Campaign

Malaysian financier Jho Low planned to donate up to $30 million to help Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, according to actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
Konnech Election Logistics

Filed: Emergency Motion Reveals Worldwide Conspiracy In Konnech Case

True the Vote filed Emergency Motion to inspect Konnech's electronic devices (seized by LA County law enforcement during Oct. 2022 raid on Konnech in Michigan).
Dead Person's Vote

Clean Elections USA: Drop Box Initiative 2022

Clean Elections USA is a grassroots organization made up of law abiding patriots whose goal it is to preserve the integrity of our elections, now and in the future.

Meet Redo Voting

Redo Voting is a hybrid of secure document tech used by state lotteries, combined with gov-level encryption, creating a paper-based voting system using a web browser for data entry.