Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Maricopa County Arizona Election Audit

Arizona Senators Back Off Subpoena Threat Over Audit, Ask Maricopa Officials to Attend Meeting...

Arizona’s state Senate backed away from a threat to subpoena Maricopa County officials, instead requesting they voluntarily appear at a meeting on May 18 to answer...
Republican National Committee

Resolution Urging A “Return To Excellence” In American Voting And Elections

The Republican National Committee has adopted a Resolution Urging A "Return To Excellence" In American Voting And Election.
Twitter and the CCP

Appeals Court Grants Expedited Review Over Lin Wood’s Election Lawsuit in Georgia

Lin Wood tweeted "Thanksgiving Eve News! 11th Circuit granted my Emergency Motion for Expedited Review of lawsuit challenging validity of GA election procedure. We...
Special Meeting for the Maricopa County Vote Audit

Auditor: Information Deleted From Maricopa County Election Machine Has Been Recovered

The information that was allegedly deleted from a Maricopa County election machine has been recovered, an auditor told state lawmakers on Tuesday. Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR,...
Washington Examiner

FBI requests group’s election fraud data that shows ‘hundreds of thousands’ of fraudulent ballots

Amistad Project Director Phillip Kline announced that the FBI requested to look into former chief Trump campaign strategist’s Matt Braynard’s data on election fraud. “After...
The Center Square

Officials raised concerns for years about security of U.S. voting machines, software systems

(The Center Square) – The Dominion Voting Systems, which has been used in multiple states where fraud has been alleged in the 2020 U.S....

Attorney Jenna Ellis on Trump Team Legal Options, Supreme Court Decision & Starting Recall...

Today we sit down with constitutional law attorney Jenna Ellis, a member of the Trump campaign legal team, to get an update on their...

35 percent of voters in new poll say 2020 election should be overturned

35% of registered voters said results of 2020 presidential election should be overturned 9 months after Congress certified Biden's Electoral College win.
Dan Schultz on War Room

The Precinct Strategy Under Attack in Arizona

It’s no coincidence that just days after President Trump endorsed the Precinct Strategy as a way for the Deplorables to assert themselves in the Republican Party,...
Twitter & Instagram

Contact Information for Republicans in Congress

Below is contact information for congress. Please take time to contact Republican Senators and House members to tell them how you feel about conservative...
From The Desk of Donald J. Trump

2020 Elections: Few things could be more fraudulent, or met with more irregularities

“The actual conspiracy to defraud the United States was the Democrats rigging the Election, and the Fake News Media and the Unselect Committee covering...

Election Director Resigns After ‘Comprehensive Failure’ on Primary Day in Arizona County: RNC

Election official from an Arizona county resigned after allegations of voter irregularities and a ballot shortage on primary elections day.