Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Dominion voting products

LOL: Now Politico Discusses Election Security Threats

There are real risks that hackers could tunnel into voting equipment and other election infrastructure to try to undermine Tuesday’s midterm election vote.
True The Vote

Statements on the Imprisonment of Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips

Breaking: Catherine & Gregg Released From Prison Statement From Catherine Engelbrecht Those who thought that imprisoning Gregg and I would weaken our resolve have gravely miscalculated....
I Voted in the 2022 Midterm Elections

INFOGRAPHIC: The States That Changed Mail-In Voting Rules for 2022

Half of America’s states changed rules for absentee voting in 2022. Some of the most substantial changes come in response to the use of mail-in voting in 2020.
Wisconsin Absentee Ballot

Wisconsin Veterans Group Sues to Sequester State’s Military Absentee Ballots Before Vote Counting Begins

Days before Nov. 8 midterm election, Waukesha County Circuit Court judge asked to sequester state’s military absentee ballots until they are properly verified.

Republicans and Democrats Have Drastically Different Midterm Messages

“All politics is local” is a memorable quote frequently true and generally attributed to 47th speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill,...

Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Find Benson in Contempt of Court for Failing to Correct...

Michigan Court of Claims judge has been asked to declare Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, in contempt of court for noncompliance with a court order.

Polls of Midterm Voters Are Prone to ‘Bandwagon Effect,’ Are Unreliable: Experts

Polls of prospective voters are based on flawed methodology, and use as tool to achieve outcome desired by mainstream media has been conspicuous during election cycle.
Pennsylvania Mail-In-Ballot

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Orders Undated, Wrongly Dated Ballots to Not Be Counted

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered counties to not count any ballots that are in undated or incorrectly dated envelopes in the upcoming Nov. 8 elections.

True the Vote Founders Jailed for Contempt of Court

The founders of the election integrity group True the Vote were jailed on Oct. 31 by a federal judge for contempt of court.

Pennsylvania’s Department of State Has Sent Out 249,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters in 2022...

PA Dept. of State allowed 249,000 unverified voters to receive mail-in ballots for 2022 general election where people vote first and verify their identification later.

Judge Rejects Bid to Block Citizens Monitoring Ballot Drop Boxes in Arizona

A federal judge on Friday rejected a civil lawsuit seeking to block grassroots volunteers who mobilized to monitor absentee ballot drop boxes in Arizona.
Florida Elections Integrity

Florida Officials Looking Into Allegations of Widespread Ballot Harvesting Operation

Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement considering investigating alleged long-running and widespread ballot harvesting operation among black communities in state.