Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Jury Finds Election Official GUILTY of Mail-in Ballot Fraud

 Democrats Prosecute the Messenger Rather than Her Message 

This Tuesday April 2nd Wisconsin holds its presidential primary and spring election day. This is where voters in the state select their preference for...

Republicans Score Win in Court Battle Over Pennsylvania Ballot Requirements

State law saying voters must fill out, date, and sign envelopes containing ballots is not prevented by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a majority said in ruling.
More than 10K ballots mistakenly left out of unofficial vote count, Chicago Board of Elections says

Chicago Board of Elections ‘Mistakenly’ Left Out Over 9,000 Mail-In Ballots in Primary Election

An official at the Chicago Board of Elections said he mistakenly failed to count over 9,000 ballots in a state’s attorney race in the primary election.
Republican National Committee

RNC Files Election Integrity Lawsuit Against Nevada Secretary of State

RNC and NV GOP sued NV SoS, accusing state’s top elections official of undermining voter confidence by failing to follow fed law on maintenance of voter rolls.
Saul, 48, a lifelong Republican from Madera, California.

California Voters Report Ballot Mix-Ups, Share Concerns About Election Integrity

“There have been multiple people who experienced this,” a poll worker said. “We don’t know how or why their party affiliation was changed.”

Republican Warns of Biden Order Allowing Illegal Immigrants, Felons to Vote

Republican secretary of state sent letter to DOJ alerting it to 2021 executive order allowing felons and illegal aliens to register to vote in elections.

Super Tuesday Voting Irregularities Report

True the Vote received numerous reports of primary voting problems. Many were so widespread even mainstream media were forced to report the most glaring examples.

AG Merrick Garland Calls Voter ID Laws ‘Unnecessary’

AG Merrick Garland on March 3 declared that efforts by states to implement voter ID laws are “unnecessary” and “burdensome,” drawing the ire of Republicans.
Got 5 Minutes?

Got 5 Minutes? You Can Help Fix Our Broken Elections

If you have ever lived in another state, you could still be on that state's voter rolls. Here's an easy way to make sure you're registered and ready to go.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Democrat Bid to Revisit Congressional Map Challenge

With Republicans currently holding six of Wisconsin’s eight seats in the House, the decision has potential ramifications for the upcoming elections.

Judge Rules Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship Not Discriminatory

Federal judge ruled that Arizona law requiring voters to provide proof of American citizenship is not discriminatory. A false registration ‘is a class 6 felony.’

Woman Who Sent Photo of Young Girl’s Mutilated Body To 2020 GOP Election Official...

On November 17, 2020, the lives of former Wayne County, MI Chair of the Board of Canvassers Monica Palmer and her family were forever...