Election Integrity

U.S. Elections Integrity on The Thinking Conservative website looks at election integrity, election legislation, voting reform and more.

Remember This: As He Blocks Election Security Bills, McConnell Takes Checks from Voting Machine...

In 2016, Russian hackers targeted voting systems in 21 states and, according to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, breached systems in Illinois and two...

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Working to Oust Trump?

Attorney Lin Wood is alleging that in an 8/19 phone call, Justice John Roberts said he would make sure Trump would never be re-elected,...
AP News Logo

AP: Public Supportive of Many Voting Reforms

On March 3, 2021, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a bill that would expand voting rights, including...
The Navarro Report Volume Three

The Navarro Report Volume 3: Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical...

Volume 3 of The Navarro Report is designed to serve as a capstone to what has been a comprehensive analysis of the question: Was...
Vernon Jones on War room with Steve Bannon

Brian Kemp Is Hiding Something In Georgia

Vernon Jones, the former Democrat who backed Donald Trump in 2020 and is now running for governor as a Republican, appeared on “War Room”...

New York Post reports on FEC Complaint Filed Against Hansjörg Wyss

Americans for Public Trust filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission (“FEC”) against Hansjorg Wyss to investigate violations of federal campaign law, reported...

Subpoenas Issued in Georgia Ballot Trafficking Investigation

Georgia election officials issued subpoenas to obtain identities of individuals and NGOs who may have engaged in crime of ballot trafficking.
Democrats Congressional Task Force on Election Security 2018

HYPOCRISY: Pelosi Commission Demanded Election Audits, Warned Against ‘Altered Vote Totals’ From Cyberattacks Carried...

An election security report authored by House Democrats in 2018 expressed support for post-election audits in response to a plethora of vulnerabilities in U.S....
State of Georgia Seal

Georgia House Passes Sweeping Election Reform Bill

The Georgia House of Representatives has passed HB 531, a sweeping election reform bill that allows election integrity in Georgia elections. H.B. 531 Title: Elections; no...

LIVE: Michigan Senate hearing on election issues December 1, 2020

On Thursday, December 1, 2020 The Michigan State Senate Committee on Oversight held a hearing featuring testimony regarding absentee ballot counting at the TCF...
Donald Trump Save America Rally

Trump lobbies for Wyoming bill to keep Democrats, independents from voting for Cheney in...

Washington, Wyoming Republicans turned on Cheney after she voted to impeach Trump over Jan. 6, 2021, riot Former President Trump and those close to him...
North Carolina State Board of Elections

North Carolina State Board of Election Denies Audit Request

Citing overriding federal authority under the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the North Carolina Board of Elections (BOE) has denied a North Carolina House Freedom...